Many cards instruct you to search the top x cards of your deck for <something> and add it to your hand (two examples are Bofur and Westfold Horse-breeder).
FAQ version 1.8 paragraph 1.10 (Limitations) actions are only built-in limitations on the card itself (i.e., you can continue to do something as long as you can until you reach the limit).
Other answers on this forum indicate if you don't have say 10 cards remaining in your deck you can search as many as you have.
So, the question is "as long as I continue searching, up to the amount specified, if I find what I am looking for can I add it to my hand?"
Put another way, "search the top 10 cards of your deck for a mount and add it to your hand"...if I find 3 mounts aren't all three added to my hand? Example: 1st card is not a mount, flip the next card, it is a mount so add it to my hand, flip the 3rd count and it too is a mount so add it to my hand, cards 4 - 9 are not mounts, but the 10th card is a mount so that too is added to my hand.
If that is not allowed then why does Bofur explicitly state "search the top 5 cards for 1 weapon attachment"? That card explicitly limits the number of cards found that are added to your hand.
Thank you