So wife and I just picked up the game and loving a lot. The only thing we are a little confused on is can multiple units engage a single unit. Say her spearman engage my reanimates from the front and then on the next turn her golem charges them from the rear? If so this brings me to the next question. If they are engaged on both front and rear does this prevent them from disengaging ?
Engagement and disengagement
73.4 Disengage: To disengage, the unit must perform the shift in the direction directly opposite of its contacted edge for that engagement. Then, the active unit receives one panic token.
A unit may disengage from multiple units if they are
touching the same contacted edge. When this happens,
the active unit receives one panic token for each unit it
disengaged from. END
As such, if your unit is engaged on two different sides, that unit may NOT Disengage.
6 hours ago, Versch said:RAW:
73.4 Disengage: To disengage, the unit must perform the shift in the direction directly opposite of its contacted edge for that engagement. Then, the active unit receives one panic token.
• A unit may disengage from multiple units if they are touching the same contacted edge. When this happens, the active unit receives one panic token for each unit it disengaged from. END
As such, if your unit is engaged on two different sides, that unit may NOT Disengage.
Not entirely true. If you are engaged like so
U can disengage from unit B but not unit A. To disengage from unit B, unit U would end up like this
6 hours ago, Versch said:RAW:
73.4 Disengage: To disengage, the unit must perform the shift in the direction directly opposite of its contacted edge for that engagement. Then, the active unit receives one panic token.
• A unit may disengage from multiple units if they are touching the same contacted edge. When this happens, the active unit receives one panic token for each unit it disengaged from. END
As such, if your unit is engaged on two different sides, that unit may NOT Disengage.
Actually, the next rule down says...
73.5 It is possible for a unit to perform a shift action that functions as a reposition with some units while also disengaging from others. When this happens, the rules for reposition apply to the units with which the active unit will remain engaged while the rules for disengaging apply to the units from which the active unit is disengaging.
So, as long as you can disengage from one unit, and the contacted edges do not change with the other unit, you can make the move. However, this only works if you are engaged on two adjacent sides. If a unit is engaged with your front, and another is engaged with your rear, well you better make it a mean sandwich and fight for your life.
What about archers and swift 2, with this I guess you can disengage of 2 units at the same time on opposite sides of the archers.
28 minutes ago, Hijodecain said:What about archers and swift 2, with this I guess you can disengage of 2 units at the same time on opposite sides of the archers.
Reread @Versch 's post
what about disengaging when only the corners of those units are touching? can i shift to the side to disengage or i have to shift backwards?
3 minutes ago, Warlordus said:what about disengaging when only the corners of those units are touching? can i shift to the side to disengage or i have to shift backwards?
Units aren't touching corner to corner.
where does it say in the rules? i cannot find it
12 minutes ago, Warlordus said:where does it say in the rules? i cannot find it
Are they corner to corner because a tray used to be there and was removed?
this thing happened. Carrion lancers (black) attacked the reanimates (red) and killed one tray resulting in this situation(dead tray i just the bordered one). They are still touching but just with corners. We played that they were still engaged and still could attack each other but if i would like to dissengage i could do it in shifting both to the back or to the side?
1 hour ago, Warlordus said:this thing happened. Carrion lancers (black) attacked the reanimates (red) and killed one tray resulting in this situation(dead tray i just the bordered one). They are still touching but just with corners. We played that they were still engaged and still could attack each other but if i would like to dissengage i could do it in shifting both to the back or to the side?
Per the diagram on page 21 of the Rules Reference, the Carrion Lancers would get to close in. By definition, you close in when removing a tray means you are no longer engaged. That can only happen if corner to corner doesn't count as touching.
Edited by rowdyoctopusall right, thanks. i guess we played it wrong then
54 minutes ago, Warlordus said:all right, thanks. i guess we played it wrong then
Yeah, that happens. Haha. Keep in mind that the Reanimates, oops I mean Carrion Lancers, would have had an opportunity to close in and maintain engagement. In this scenario, they could shift either direction.
Edited by rowdyoctopusbut this was a carrion lancer attack so carrions could sqare up
45 minutes ago, Warlordus said:but this was a carrion lancer attack so carrions could sqare up
Oh, right! I'll edit my previous posts. And I think you meant close in. Squaring up is similar, but slightly different
If the Carrion Lancers choose not to close in, then the units are no longer engaged, which may be beneficial in order to lay blight on the Reanimates...but probably not too helpful here because the Reanimates are only a single tray.
25 minutes ago, Parakitor said:If the Carrion Lancers choose not to close in, then the units are no longer engaged, which may be beneficial in order to lay blight on the Reanimates...but probably not too helpful here because the Reanimates are only a single tray.
its just an example situation. reanimates had 2 trays left but if carrons werent engaged with them they could just charge ankaur maro that resurrected them afterwards
Sooo... if my archers are engaged from the front and also on the side with a single tray, I still can't disengage backwards?
3 hours ago, King Cheesecake said:Sooo... if my archers are engaged from the front and also on the side with a single tray, I still can't disengage backwards?
You cannot because 73.4 says that to disengage, you must shift in the direction directly opposite of the contacted edge. Since you cannot simultaneously move directly opposite of two different contacted edges, you can't disengage if you are engaged on 2 or more sides.
however you can disengage from one of those units
1 hour ago, Warlordus said:however you can disengage from one of those units
Yes, as long as he remains in contact with the one unit along the same edge, he can disengage from the other.