Any players in London?

By oldthrashbarg, in Call of Cthulhu LCG

Are there any CoC players on this forum living in London? I live in south London (Clapham/Balham), and don't currently have a gaming group

[Let me know if this topic ought to be posted somewhere else, or if there's some fancy database for sorting these things out.]

i think andrew "nomad" is form london and he knows somemore players. i will add you to my friendlist, then i can send to you his address.

I'm in Tooting. I can only convince one of my buddies to play this, so I'd be happy to find others!

thorondor said:

i think andrew "nomad" is form london and he knows somemore players. i will add you to my friendlist, then i can send to you his address.

He's up around Cambridge near me.

crikeymiles said:

I'm in Tooting. I can only convince one of my buddies to play this, so I'd be happy to find others!

Hi crikeymiles. I sometimes play at the Meetup group London on Board: (Mainly Tuesdays and Saturdays). You should come along and we can set up some games.

oldthrashbarg said:

crikeymiles said:

I'm in Tooting. I can only convince one of my buddies to play this, so I'd be happy to find others!

Hi crikeymiles. I sometimes play at the Meetup group London on Board:

(Mainly Tuesdays and Saturdays). You should come along and we can set up some games.

Sorry, Tuesdays and Sundays that should have been...

Sorry for the Threadomancy....

A friend of mine and I are looking for other CoC players in London. Preferably Central-ish or NorthEasternish...

The London On Board group doesn't allow LCGs unfortunately.

I guess they did once upon a time...

I've brought both the Star Wars LCG & Android: Netrunner in to London on Board. Only on Sundays though and always with enough decks for people who don't own the game to be able to play as well.

The reason for there not being much LCG playing at LoB is that a) they're mostly two player which means two people are taking a table that 4+ could be playing at and b) the pre-constructed decks aspect can result in the games not being very open to people who haven't bought in already.

The first one is less of an issue on Sunday as it's an all day event and a lot people will have left by sevenish leaving plenty of room for two player board & card games for people who are good with staying late (I imagine the same holds true for the Saturday events as well but can't say for sure as I only do Sunday). Since Call of the Cthulhu has multiplayer rules as well if you were to put together several beginner friendly decks you could bring it in as a group game + tutorial mode for the early part of the day and then later as tables free up play two player as well. I know if I saw you posting in the comments for a Sunday session that you were bringing it in I'd sign up for a round or two. I've never played before but the mechanics look very interesting.