Melee toward the rear?

By Grim6, in Runewars Rules Questions

Arbus Ix' Erebus is charged from the rear edge by a Rune Golem. Next turn, does he have to reform to be able to Melee Attack the Rune Golem? As I read it, he doesn't, but the sacrifice is that he gives the Rune Golem an extra die in return for being able to attack the Rune Golem. But otherwise there is no penalty for attacking to your rear.

Does that sound right?



Your interpretation sounds spot on, yes.

There's one other thing. If, by chance, you have Ardus' upgrade equipped that gives him Precise 1, he would not get that bonus for attacking out the rear edge because when attacking out the sides or back, you ignore any reroll bonuses from extra ranks and Precise 1 essentially grants an extra rank.

And keep in mind a unit is only flanked when an enemy is touching it's side or rear with its own front edge. If the Run Golem reformed before disengaging, he would lose his extra die and Ardus would gain any reroll he has.