Hey everyone!!! I have great news!
Darren Hazelden and I started up our own podcast to talk about everything L5R related.
In this first cast, we have special guest, Mark Armitage join us!! If anyone doesn't know who Mark is, he goes by Hinomura here on the boards. He is our organizer of the Dinner for Villains at gencon.
Give us a listen. If you like what you hear, please like and follow us on our Facebook page!
We have it up on Soundcloud and iTunes now!
Our first episode reminisces a little on Old5R and the new info dump we got from FFG for New5R!!! This one is longer than we intend on doing in the future, but it is filled with great content.
Apologies for the construction work going on during recording. I tried to mute as much as possible. They just HAD to do this during the time we decided to record. lol
Also, we fully intend on doing a Q&A section in future casts so I encourage everyone to ask our opinions on anything related to L5R.
Hope you all enjoy it!!
Edited by Sparks Duh