I think that the context of the comment is important. This was in the rather informal setting of a reddit AMA. The whole point was to provide a platform for quick, direct communication and off the cuff responses to questions from the L5R community. I'm not trying to come down on one side or the other of the debate as far as the pillowfight comment goes. But I do think that this kind of reaction to a comment on reddit (of all places) would really discourage FFG from giving this kind of access to their designers in the future. I think it was an amazing thing that FFG did to provide the designers of our favorite game in a forum where we could ask them anything we want in real time. For me, FFG should be applauded for giving fans of the game that kind of access to designers. And now it seems like we're punishing them for that.
I think this type of reaction would just encourage them to put out sterile PR speak all the time. (If anyone here is a football fan - like the New England Patriots response to every question - "We played hard as a team and we're going to work hard in preparing for the next game": repeat for every question.) "We're very excited for the release of L5R and we are looking forward to Gencon. / The next L5R expansion will grow the card pool and provide interesting new game interactions."