Counting spaces, blocking terrain and mobile

By --JP, in Imperial Assault Rules Questions

Am trying to correctly wrap my head around adjacent spaces and adjacent figures.

Saska Teft's "Unstable Device" Class card: "...choose a space within 3 spaces..."

As I understand it, the chosen space cannot be a space that is blocking terrain. Per RRG: "...measurement cannot go through... blocking terrain."

Does this change if a figure with "Mobile" is sitting on the blocking terrain?

Per RRG: "If a figure with Mobile occupies a space containing blocking terrain, line of sight can be traced to that figure, spaces can be counted to that figure, and adjacent figures can attack that figure."

"Mobile" allows the _figure_ to be targeted, but "Unstable Device" references a target _space_, not figure.

Can "Unstable Device" by used to target a space containing blocking terrain?

Can "Unstable Device" be used to target a space containing blocking terrain if a figure with "Mobile" occupies the space?

Tried digging in the FAQ, but couldn't find anything.


Your understanding is close to how the rules are to be interpreted with the current knowledge of the rules.

So, no, you cannot choose a space with blocking terrain as a space for abilities that use "space within X spaces" or "adjacent space". Not even when a figure or object occupies the space.

I have been writing a document about blocking terrain rules. I have even designed a mission that would create situations that would cause abilities to interact with blocking terrain spaces and blocking terrain edges.

This is work in progress, so things may not be explained in the clearest way possible, but.... it might help people interpret what's possible and what is not.

There are only a few strange cases when you would expect an ability to work but it doesn't, and you can't explain it thematically. Overall though, the rules of thumb at the bottom work as well as could be expected.

Figures cannot enter, count spaces through, or trace line of sight through blocking terrain.

As implied in its name, blocking terrain prevents figures from moving (or pushed) into or through blocking terrain. Figures with Mobile or Massive ignore terrain when moving (or being pushed), when placed or otherwise ending movement. Thus, figures with Mobile or Massive can occupy spaces with blocking terrain. Mission set-up can place objects in spaces with blocking terrain. When figures that are carrying objects are defeated, the carried objects are dropped and can thus end in a space with blocking terrain.

The edges of blocking terrain spaces are not blocking terrain edges.

Blocking terrain edge is blocking terrain located between two spaces, and blocks line of sight, counting spaces, adjacency, and movement. (For example, you can't attack through a blocking terrain edge even with Mobile or Massive .) Movement through and ending movement on blocking terrain edges is allowed for figures with Mobile or Massive.

If an entity (figure or object) occupies a space containing blocking terrain, line of sight can be traced to that entity, spaces can be counted to that entity, and other entities can be adjacent to that entity.

Occupying a blocking terrain space does not make entities immune to attacks and other abilities.

You can draw line of sight and count spaces to an entity on a blocking terrain space. The rule works for all abilities that refer to figures or objects, it is not limited to attacks.

You draw line of sight and count spaces to an entity on a blocking terrain space by drawing line of sight and count spaces to the space the figure occupies – your choice if the figure is Large. For attacks that space becomes the target space. Note that you are still drawing line of sight and counting spaces to the entity and not to the space.

You can not draw line of sight or count spaces through any blocking terrain space or blocking terrain edge.

Because counting spaces and line of sight are allowed, both ranged attacks and melee attacks with Reach are possible against figures or objects on blocking terrain as long as their requirements are met.

A figure adjacent to an entity on blocking terrain is also allowed to perform melee attacks targeting that entity, and use other abilities that require adjacency. (Attacks are allowed by RRG, interact or retrieve are already required when a mission setup or figure defeats place objects on blocking terrain spaces. Needs a confirmation for other abilities than attack, interact, and retrieve.)

By extension, if a figure occupies a blocking space, that figure may draw line of sight and count spaces out of its space – controller's choice if a Large figure, but not through blocking terrain spaces or edges. (Needs a confirmation, but people play like this.)

Blocking terrain spaces are not adjacent to any other space. (see RRG, p.4, Adjacent)

Each space is considered separately even when more than one space of the same terrain type make up a bigger area.

Entities are adjacent when their distance is exactly 1.

How do you determine if an entity on blocking terrain space is adjacent to another entity? You can count spaces to an entity on blocking terrain. If the distance between the entities is 1, the entities are adjacent even when the spaces they occupy are not. (Needs a confirmation, but is the only viable definition. Also, attacking adjacent figures - for a special case companions in the same space - require 1 accuracy. Adjacent implies 1 distance, so the reverse should also hold.)

Blocking terrain spaces are not adjacent to entities.

Entities can be adjacent to each other when at least one of them is in a space with blocking terrain. Neither entity is adjacent to the space the other entity occupies. An entity is not adjacent to the space it occupies. (Allowing adjacency between a non-blocking space and an entity on blocking space would make the rules unnecessarily complex to remember and use. Edit: No, it would not, but the opposite.)

Deployment points are on a space, they are not the space itself.

During placement the distance between the deployment point and the placed figure determines if it was placed as close as possible. If no other valid placement gives a smaller distance between the figure and the specified deployment point, the placement fulfills the as-close-as-possible requirement.

Abilities that use line of sight, counting spaces, or adjacency between two entities can be used when either or both are on a blocking terrain space.
Examples of abilities that work:

Attacks – attack targets figures or objects
Force Choke – ”hostile figure in line of sight”
Self-Destruct – ”each adjacent figure and object”
Squad Training – ”while adjacent to another friendly Trooper”
Relentless – ”attacking a hostile figure within 3 spaces.”
Mandalorian Whip – ”small, hostile figure within 3 spaces and line of sight”
Executor – ”a friendly figure within 3 spaces is defeated”
Shock Lance – ”choose a figure within 2 spaces”
Rush (skirmish) – ”may push a small, adjacent figure 1 space.”

Abilities that use line of sight, counting spaces, or adjacency between two spaces or between a space and an entity cannot be used with blocking terrain spaces.
Examples of abilities that do not work:

Protector / Sentinel – ”you are adjacent to the targeted space”
Keep the Peace – ”targeting a space adjacent to you”
Disengage – ”a hostile figure enters a space within 3 spaces”
Flamethrower – ”choose a space within 2 spaces”
Shock Grenade – ”choose a space within 3 spaces”

Edited by a1bert

I hope you can include some pictures to explain this. It is a bit difficult to understand :unsure:

I hope to have pictures too.. :D

Basically, abilities that target the "space" cannot target blocking terrain?

Abilities that target the "figure" can target the figure in the blocking terrain?

Basically yes. Generally abilities cannot affect a blocking space, because it isn't adjacent to any other space and you cannot count spaces to it.

(A blocking terrain space can become the target space during attacks, but Blast would not affect (figures and objects on) the surrounding spaces because they are not adjacent.)

You can choose a figure (or object) on blocking terrain because it is explicitly allowed.

Edited by a1bert
On 2017. 04. 20. at 7:18 PM, a1bert said:

Flamethrower – ”choose a space within 2 spaces”

About abilities like that. If there is a mobile figure in blocking terrain and I flamethrower a space next to it will that affect the figure?

On 2017. 04. 24. at 9:13 AM, a1bert said:

(A blocking terrain space can become the target space during attacks, but Blast would not affect (figures and objects on) the surrounding spaces because they are not adjacent.).

Wn there is a 2x2 blocking terrain for example and two figures in it are they adjacent for blast?

3 hours ago, NagyLaci said:

About abilities like that. If there is a mobile figure in blocking terrain and I flamethrower a space next to it will that affect the figure?

Wn there is a 2x2 blocking terrain for example and two figures in it are they adjacent for blast?

A space that is blocking terrain is not adjacent to any other space. But you have to remember the distinction of adjacent space and adjacent figure/object. So, for Flamethrower/Blast: Yes, a figure on a blocking space can be adjacent to a non-blocking space - although we don't have a confirmation about it - so far it's for attacks only.

(Also see Terrain, FAQ 3.0.)

Edited by a1bert