I've started working on a fun little scenario for my players, and I thought it would help tons to get more ideas from everyone here!
The premise: Prison Break. Each player is going to make a character who has been imprisoned in a restricted access Imperial labour camp on an unknown world. They're going to determine why they were imprisoned and (in true EoTE fashion) what baggage they're bringing with them. The goal of the scenario is to, between one and three sessions ideally, successfully make your way off the planet/moon and out of Imperial reach.
I've thought of a fun little format for this game while the characters are imprisoned, but mostly I just want to make sure I have a proper amount of good hooks and leads to intrigue and encourage the players to break free from captivity.
So, on to the hooks!
- Rumours that some NPC or another is working on or knows of a way out of the prison that leads through a 'dungeon' (sewer system, old maintenance tunnel, etc)
- Opportunities for escape during work detail
- Longterm prisoners in the know may be familiar with guard schedules
- Taking advantage of a naive guard who offers the players more liberties when they are on duty
- Discovering access to a central security terminal
- Inciting a prison riot
Post-prison gameplay challenges involve things like surviving in the wild with minimal resources, determining what planet they're on, finding a spaceport, arranging transportation, dodging Imperial capture, etc.
Anyway, I'm pretty excited to run this ^^. Any thoughts? Ideas? Suggestions? Nothing is set in stone and I am all ears!