1. The removal of enlightenment: Removing it as a core win condition is a blow to the flavor of the game. If they make a card to make it an alternate win condition, then that makes enlightenment seem gimmicky rather than something worth striving for.
2. Characters just disappearing makes them less like characters and more like fodder. Why should I feel attached to Matsu Gohei when he only stays for such a short time? Making characters disposable removes any emotional attachment and therefore diminishes Clan attachment. Basically, if I don't care about my Clan or characters why am I playing a game based on a story about them?
3. Bidding on hand size every turn. I can't even begin to tell you how much I hate this concept. Cumbersome, unnecessary, slows the game down, I could go on but why it's terrible.
4. This is the same thing UDE just did with Vs. Take a game that works and screw it up to the point where it's unrecognizable. Why?
To sum up as a player that has played since the beginning (have a Lion Mon tattooed on my arm) i have zero desire to even read your rulebook much less waste my time or money on this. Thanks for destroying my favorite game.