Various topics have given me cause to do some musing over the last few days, regarding Rogue Trader. I'm not sure if anything I have to say is actually helpful but I thought I might as well post it anyway, so.
There've been several places where people were asking for ship names, now there's a huge mass of historical material and even more fictional material out there to mine, however these are a couple I liked, off-the-cuff, as it were (I.E. not taken from anywhere, if they are used elsewhere I'm not presently aware of it).
The Wayward Mistress
The Velvet Glove
(In a three vessel fleet) Faith , Hope and Charity
The Squeaky Wheel
The Final Word
In a couple of other threads there was some talking about jump points and gravity wells, now whatever the precise mechanics are meant to be it seems to be fairly well established that a vessel wishing to enter the Empyrean needs to get a certain minimum distance from a star. Typically, of course, your vessel is going to be near a planet(oid) rather than directly orbiting the star and noone likes to waste time by taking a longer path to where the gravity is reduced sufficiently for jump to be possible. Since planets orbit the star, the shortest path will always to be to line up the centre of the planet you are leaving with the centre of the star it orbits and fly along that axis away from them both. How much interest this to anyone, I have no idea but I was thinking about it while driving the other day, for some reason. :¬)
It is pointed out in the background that Imperial worlds have a massive variety of local political systems, full democracy with high technology included, yet we tend to assume some sort of neo-feudalism, in most cases. It might be interesting to flesh out a few worlds with some of these other set ups, especially the benign dictatorships and democratic governments - what would a character from such a world make of the culture prevailing off-planet? How would he react to the situation of a Rogue Trader vessel?