This is a map of Mennara from the Diskwars era. This is on part of the rules insert that came with the Diskwars Legions boxes.
As @Hidatom noticed, this map does not seem to match the descriptions of Mennara from the recent lore guide, but considering lots of time and 3 great wars have occurred between this map and the current state of Mennara in Runewars, it's hard to say how the land may have changed. It's also worth noting that cardinal directions are not indicated on this map, so we are only assuming that North is up.
Let's list some of the descriptions from the lore guide for you to compare to this map:
- "The Aymhelin -- the greatest forest in all Mennara -- stretches from the south of Terrinoth and west of the Ru to the southern ocean."
- "East beyond the careful watch of Hernfar Isle in Terrinoth's northeast, and as far south as the edge of the Aymhelin, the sunbleached steppes of the Ru gleam across the wide Lothan River."
- "Something stirs in the north. Long has the thirteenth barony lay dormant, but now, each day another village is swallowed into the mists." (From the learn to play booklet)
The Aymhelin does not appear anywhere on this map. Is it the same as Lotharia, the home of the elves during the first darkness? If so, it should border the Ru Darklands, which it does not.
The Ru appears to be norhtwest, rather than northeast. Perhaps North is to the left of this map? That would work for the relative position of the baronies to the Ru, because that big green area in the right-center is where the Knights of Falladir once dwelt (though Knights also lived in the Thelgrim Peninsula to the left).
During the first darkness, the Thelgrim Peninsula was lost to the Uthuk and the undead of Farrenghast. Could that be the northern Mistlands now?
Edited by Budgernaut