I'm having trouble parsing the language on determining your threat while attacking an enemy that is flanking you.
RRG 82.1 When performing a melee attack, a unit’s threat is equal to the number of trays that comprise the contacted edge.
(second bullet point) If the contacted edge is shortened by a partial rank, calculate the number of trays as if the partial rank was not present.
So if I have a 2x2 unit that has lost one tray from its back rank and now looks like an L, and I attack an enemy engaged with my long flank, what is my threat? My contact edge has 2 trays, but that contact edge consists of a partial rank. Do I calculate the number of trays with or without the partial rank? The contact edge itself is not shortened, but if it doesn't apply in this case then I don't see what the second bullet point accomplishes, since 82.1 would be sufficient on its own.