When checking for range and collisions do the puzzle edges on the bases matter or is the base effectively a square?
Do the puzzle edges count?
Last bullet of 55.3:
"If the only part of a unit that would overlap an obstacle is
a connector on one of the unit’s side edges, the unit can be
slightly nudged directly away from the obstacle such that
the connector no longer overlaps the obstacle. Then, the
movement proceeds as normal. (When moving sideways,
this rule applies to the connectors on the front and back
edges of the unit instead of the side edges.)"
47 minutes ago, Budgernaut said:Last bullet of 55.3:
"If the only part of a unit that would overlap an obstacle is
a connector on one of the unit’s side edges, the unit can be
slightly nudged directly away from the obstacle such that
the connector no longer overlaps the obstacle. Then, the
movement proceeds as normal. (When moving sideways,
this rule applies to the connectors on the front and back
edges of the unit instead of the side edges.)"
- The connectors count.
- When moving forward or backwards, the side connectors allow you to slide over to avoid a collision if you want.
- When moving sideways, the front and back connectors allow you to slide over to avoid a collision if you want.
- You can choose to not slide over if you'd prefer to collide.
... or at least that's how I'm reading it.
It is the "can vs may" argument. I don't see the slide/shifting as optional. I see it as overwriting the normal movement rules. But until they release an FAQ and start setting some precedents, I really don't know.
I wonder why they make exception for this, instead of just stating that connectors count and be done with it? Its part of the base, why not make it count?
I guess the question is: when making a charge, if only your side connectors manage to connect, does that mean you've failed the charge?
1 minute ago, Torpid Rebel said:I guess the question is: when making a charge, if only your side connectors manage to connect, does that mean you've failed the charge?
I would say from reading this for a charge purpose if your connector bits contact connect then you have performed you charge successfully since the way it says no longer overlapping would still be in contact and therefore still be colliding...barely though. Also this only applies to the sides for the move not the front edge connectors for moving forward.
I think the problem is estimating unit width since there is overlap with the puzzle bits in the middle. They want to allow some fudge so you can just use the width of the tray itself as an estimate of the unit width, like in XWing when you use the width of the bases to guess the range to targets and what maneuvers will fit between asteroids and such.