Ideas on painting the blue and gold Daqan?

By jonboyjon1990, in Runewars Painting and Modeling

I'm planning on painting my Daqan to loosely matched the scheme in the promo shots from FFG.

So blue for the main armour and gold trim.

Problem is, blue primer = lots of fiddly gold trim to paint (which would probably also require a black base layer)

or Gold primer = lots of blue to paint.

How would you approach painting that colour scheme?

Id go with this approach

this is a great video for this. now i may need to pick up a blue base coat.

Prime black, zenithal with white primer, paint away.

Colored primers are just... not as good as they seem like they'd be in concept.

Depends on the quality level you're going for. If you're going for award-winning layerd paintwork I can't help you. If you want to get tabletop quality results quick, I'd use blue base color spray paint and a gold paint marker (rather fine point) for the gold work. No need for a black base layer. Follow it up with a wash or dip.

I'm doing green and silver and a using that method.

As someone who uses the purple primer for his tau, trust me its not as amazing as it seems.

I find unless i use thick paint that i have to paint over it several several times to get rid of the base color. 2-3 coats for a light color is expected, more for white, but when im transitioning from a dark purple to a medium green...that shouldnt take 5 coats with their own paints to remove any off-color hue.

I got the Ultramarine Blue Army Painter primer. I'll use that on the first few spearmen and see how it does. Since I'm going with the standard blue/white scheme I actually think it'll help make shading the white areas easier. Instead of basing with white, I'll just layer up to the highlights and then maybe throw a wash over to make the shadows not so blue. Probably not going to use it for the horseys. If the blue's not doing it, I'll just go back to priming in white.

I did get the red Army Painter primer (I think it's AP) to use on my Royal Guard for Imperial Assault and it worked rather well on my test piece.

I would only use a colored primer if at least 3/4 of the miniature is going to be that color. I'm priming all the skellies in white. I hate priming in black because I prefer bolder colors and I can't see the details as well with black. The golem is going to get a colored primer as well. Probably grey for the "official" color scheme, and a brown for my variant.

Edit to add: If you're going with the "official" color scheme, I would prime white instead of black. Those are brighter colors and white will require less work to keep them from looking dingy.

Edited by Crifmer

I used Citadel Macragge Blue spray as a base and then just painted over it with other citadel paints where needed. Only needed one coat and then agrax earthshade wash. Not going to win any awards but I think they look pretty good. C9uORx3XgAAccse?format=jpg&name=large

12 hours ago, Crifmer said:

I got the Ultramarine Blue Army Painter primer. I'll use that on the first few spearmen and see how it does. Since I'm going with the standard blue/white scheme I actually think it'll help make shading the white areas easier. Instead of basing with white, I'll just layer up to the highlights and then maybe throw a wash over to make the shadows not so blue. Probably not going to use it for the horseys. If the blue's not doing it, I'll just go back to priming in white.

I did get the red Army Painter primer (I think it's AP) to use on my Royal Guard for Imperial Assault and it worked rather well on my test piece.

I would only use a colored primer if at least 3/4 of the miniature is going to be that color. I'm priming all the skellies in white. I hate priming in black because I prefer bolder colors and I can't see the details as well with black. The golem is going to get a colored primer as well. Probably grey for the "official" color scheme, and a brown for my variant.

Edit to add: If you're going with the "official" color scheme, I would prime white instead of black. Those are brighter colors and white will require less work to keep them from looking dingy.

Id be interested to see how you get on, post up the results and I may get some of that primer myself.

good luck

I would follow the ultramarine color scheme. Blue and gold is a long staple of color combination, add white and it's just color pleasing to the eye. Apethetic fish has a great example for this. I HIGHLY recommend using retributor and liberator gold instead though!

5 hours ago, Warpedstorm said:

Id be interested to see how you get on, post up the results and I may get some of that primer myself.

good luck

Thanks. Probably won't be for a little while yet. I've got a lot of actual work and stuff to do before I can get some hobby time in, although maybe I'll take a break this weekend and go about cleaning and gluing the spearmen.