Single reactor ignition!

By Irokenics, in Star Wars: Rebellion

Can we get a project card for the death star that only blows up Rebel units / base without harming the planet?

This would be like in Rogue One with a single reactor ignition!

You wouldn't gain a loyalty but at least it wouldn't count to that level 3 objective.

Funny enough, I've been putting together a homebrew expansion for Rogue One that includes just such a project card! It's a way to leverage the Death Star without giving up VP, and also lets you still capture a planet and use its resources instead of removing it from the board.

I really liked Rogue 1, but the "single reactor ignition" was wholly lame. Basically they wanted to show off the Death Star but not break continuity, so they invented this lame partial attack. If they really wanted to test the DS, you'd think they'd have actually tested it! It felt rather contrived

That said, it would be a cool mission in the game. Powerful though, so be careful.


9 hours ago, crimhead said:

I really liked Rogue 1, but the "single reactor ignition" was wholly lame. Basically they wanted to show off the Death Star but not break continuity, so they invented this lame partial attack. If they really wanted to test the DS, you'd think they'd have actually tested it! It felt rather contrived

That said, it would be a cool mission in the game. Powerful though, so be careful.


I kind of agree regarding its use in the film -- I think it was a case of "damned if you do, damned if you don't". Not using the Death Star laser would have kind of made it a pointless floating set piece, but the single reactor ignition felt contrived to me as well. That said, at least the visual effects were spectacular!

I've included it as a new Project card. My draft is:

  • Single Reactor Ignition (2 Logistics): Resolve in any system that contains a Death Star. Roll 10 dice. Resolve that damage against Rebel ground units in this system, treating all [hits] as [critical hits]. Remove all loyalty markers in this system.

I think there's a very simple charm to rolling lots of dice. The variance makes it less of a guarantee than the standard Death Star Laser, which means you have to gamble a bit if you want to "play it safe" and leave the system intact. It's not enough to reliably clear the Rebel base, but can let you safely eliminate a Rebel garrison from orbit without destroying the system's production capabilities. Requiring two Logistics symbols is a further limitation, though not as significant as it may appear at first: my draft includes three new leaders who pack two Logistics symbols, as a way to promote using the new leaders to accomplish the new project cards (opting to include the new leaders changes the recruitment rules, to try and maintain player choice and the balance of the original game). Single Reactor Ignition is still possible without using new leaders, but it's a more significant investment.

My hope is to include a few cards in the expansion which make the Death Star less of a liability to the Imperial side (where you need to babysit it and avoid firing it, in order to not give up Victory Points). Another Project assigns the Death Star a "rapid redeployment" ring which can be discarded to let the Death Star move to an adjacent Imperial system when it is first attacked by Rebel units. It's worthless if the Imperial player is leveraging the Death Star offensively, but offers another defensive option which Rebel players will need to figure out how to break through. Since it's a ring, the possibility for redeployment is public knowledge instead of a "gotcha!" moment -- the Rebel player has to think through how to get the Imperial player to use the ring before launching an assault in earnest.

Edited by sionnach19

Yeah, It's called "Bombardment." Which does ridiculous amounts of damage when used with the Death Star.

On 4/19/2017 at 0:45 PM, crimhead said:

I really liked Rogue 1, but the "single reactor ignition" was wholly lame. Basically they wanted to show off the Death Star but not break continuity, so they invented this lame partial attack. If they really wanted to test the DS, you'd think they'd have actually tested it! It felt rather contrived

That said, it would be a cool mission in the game. Powerful though, so be careful.


Tarkin didn't want to test the full power of the base because if he did before he took control of the project then Krennic would get all the glory for the project. If he had taken control of the project prior to testing the weapon and it didn't work then he would get blamed for the failure. As for Scarif that was an imperial world and there was no reason to destroy the planet they just needed to destroy the section where there were rebels. Which they did. If they had destroyed the whole planet it would have changed nothing. It would have simply resulted in more imperial deaths.