I happen to love reading threads about "I like class X but not Z and here's why", so just wondering.
Myself, I've found I really enjoy the Stalker, which takes a lot of set up, depends on static tokens, (of which you can only put out 1 or 2, sometimes 3 a turn) and has no greater enemy than a minion goblin reinforced at the end of the OL turn.
Playing as Roganna means you can get a cheap +2 hearts, which makes the Black Widow's Web powerful- in fact, when I've played 3xp games I don't usually bother upgrading that weapon. I think it's one of the stronger starter weapons.
I like the traps, too, they help with deterring melee monsters, and if you can put down multiple traps at once, it helps in quests where goblins need to get somewhere.
I see how that's quite simple for the OL to counter, though, especially since it's not easy to put out traps. (Maybe if Easy Prey didn't exhaust, and gave you more freedom over where to put the trap...)
We've house ruled that the Stalker may discard traps at will, (if you put some in a poor spot) which I'd say is a definite buff to the class. (This is usually only done in RtL though)
I'm really looking forward to the Hexer (LoR is on its way) though I've heard it is the weakest mage. Is it really that bad even if you rush Internal Rot? I feel like that + the black die skill and the one that causes damage on movement would be potent. Everything else would just be bonus.
I'd probably want to avoid blue-reds. I would go for the Lifedrain Scepter with either a shield or the Battle Tome. (Why are there so few blue-green magic weapons?)
Anyway, classes you like playing even though they might be weak?