Stats for Inquisitors (Players from my game stay out - Pierre, Martin, JR - This means YOU!)

By DocIII, in Dark Heresy Gamemasters

There was a lot of talk on the old forums about various theories as to how to come up w/ stats for the Inquisitors in a campaign. Also there exists the perfectly valid view that the stats for an inquisitor should stay undefined and his/her abilities be whatever is narratively appropriate.

I have run both of the characters whose stats are listed below in such a fashion in previous sessions. However, awhile back I decided I wanted to figure out with specificity the profiles of the four main Inquisitors that will be making an appearance in my game. So far I have (mostly) completed two. (Except for equipment, which is only just started for either)

I would post Names, descriptions, background and the like, but as both of these guys are integral to the plot pf my campaign (and I don't have faith that my players will notice my admonition not to read this until they've already seen too much) so unfortunately all I have here are quick nicknames to distiguish the two and the raw stats [with a few small items that are far too distinctive redacted].

Could other GM's (or whoever) out there give me feedback on this? Particularly as to power level (but remember these are two full-blown veteran Inquisitors), completeness, or any other area you think needs attention.

The Thin Man

Main Profile


























*unnatural characteristic

Movement: 4/8/12/24

Wounds: 16


Awareness +20 (Per), Blather +20 (Fel), Charm +20 (Fel), Chem Use+10, Ciphers (Acolyte) +10 (Int), Ciphers (Occult)+20 (Int), Common Lore (Adeptus Arbites)(Int), Common Lore (Administratum)+10 (Int), Common Lore (Ecclesiarchy)+10 (Int), Common Lore (Imperium) +10 (Int), Common Lore (Imperial Creed) (Int), Common Lore (Machine Cult) (Int), Common Lore (Tech) +20 (Int), Deceive +20 (Fel), Dodge +10 (Ag), Drive (Ground Vehicle) (Ag), Drive (Hover Vehicle) (Ag), Evaluate +10 (Int), Forbidden Lore (Archeotech) (Int), Forbidden Lore (Cults)+20 (Int), Forbidden Lore (Daemonology) +20 (Int), Forbidden Lore (Heresy) +20 (Int), Forbidden Lore (Inquisition) +20 (Int), Forbidden Lore (Mutants) +20 (Int), Forbidden Lore (Psykers) +20 (Int), Forbidden Lore (Warp) +20 (Int), Forbidden Lore (Xenos) +10 (Int), Interrogation +20 (WP), Inquiry +10 (Fel), Invocation +20 (WP), Literacy +20 (Int), Lip Reading +10 (Per), Logic +20 (Int), Medicae +20 (Int), Navigation (Stellar) +10 (Int), Psyniscience +20 (Per), Scholastic Lore (Archaic) (Int), Scholastic Lore (Astromancy) +20 (Int), Scholastic Lore (Bureaucracy) (Int), Scholastic Lore (Cryptology) +20 (Int), Scholastic Lore (Heraldry) +20 (Int), Scholastic Lore (Imperial Creed) +20 (Int), Scholastic Lore (Judgment) (Int), Scholastic Lore (Legend) +20 (Int), Scholastic Lore (Occult) +20 (Int), Scholastic Lore (Philosophy) (Int), Scrutiny +20 (Per), Secret Tongue (Acolyte) (Int), Secret Tongue (Administratum) (Int), Secret Tongue (Ecclesiarchy) (Int), Speak Language (High Gothic) +10 (Int), Speak Language (Low Gothic) +20 (Int), Tech Use +20 (Int), Trade (Copyist) +20 (Int), Trade (Soothsayer) +20 (Fel)


Melee Weapon Training (Primitive, Power), Pistol Weapon Training (Las, SP, Bolt, Plasma), Basic Weapon Training (Las, SP, Bolt), Air of Authority, Arms Master, Binary Chatter, Blind Fighting, Catfall, Crack Shot, Dark Soul, Die Hard, Discipline Focus (Telepathy, Divination), Favored by the Warp, Fearless, Foresight, Hard Target, Jaded, Light Sleeper, Logis Implant, Master Sorcerer, Meditation, Mental Fortress, Nerves of Steel, Paranoia (x2), Peer (Astropaths), Peer (Insane), Power Well x3, Psy Rating 6, Psychic Spite, Psychic Supremacy (Telepathy), Psychic Vampire, Resistance (Psychic Powers), Sorcerer, Step Aside, Strong Minded, Swift Attack, Total Recall, Touched by the Fates (6 Fate Points)


Unnatural Willlpower (x2)

Psy Rating

6 [8]

Minor Powers:

Call Creatures (9), Call Item (5), Chameleon (7), Déj vu (8), Distort Vision (8), Dull Pain (8), Endure Flames (8), Fearful Aura (7), Flash Bang (6), Float (8), Forget Me (6), Inflict Pain (8), Inspiring Aura (6), Knack (7), Lucky (6), Precognition (6), Resist Possession (6), Sense Presence (7), Spectral Hands (10), Suggestion (9), Torch (5), Unnatural Aim (8), Weapon Jinx (8), White Noise (8), Wither (6)

Telepathy: Beastmaster (13), Compel (17), Dominate (24), Inspire (9), Mind Scan (23), Projection (21), Psychic Shriek (18), See Me Not (14), Seed Mind (26), Soul Killer (25) Telepathy (11), Terrify (13), Zone of Compulsion (19)


Far Sight (17), Glimpse (18), Precognitive Dodge (11), Preternatural Awareness (9), Psychometry (16)


Catch Projectiles (16), Precision Telekinesis (23), Push (13)

Minor Arcana:

Death’s Messenger (15), Healer (9), Mask of Flesh (13), Open Wounds (11), Revelation of Truth (13), Space Slip (13), Spasm (9), Staunch Bleeding (10), Time Fade (15), Touch of Madness (13), Trick (7), Wall Walk (8), Warp Howl (10), Weaken Veil (11), Whispers of the Warp (11)

Major Arcana:

Agony (15, p. 29), Daemon Wrack (23, p. 118), Douse Flames (18), Fire Bolt (13), Flesh Like Iron (20, p. 29), Personal Augury (16), Precognitive Strike (17), Regenerate (25), Seal Wounds (12), Soul Sight (25), Telekinetic Shield (23),Time Distortion (20)

The Old Guy

Main Profile


























*unnatural characteristic

Movement: 4/8/12/24

Wounds: 13

Skills: Awareness +20 (Per), Barter+20 (Fel), Blather +20 (Fel), Carouse+10 (T), Charm +20 (Fel), Chem Use (Int), Ciphers (Acolyte)(Int), Ciphers (Inquisition)(Int), Ciphers (Secret Society-Hetaireia)(Int), Ciphers (Tenebrae Collegium) +20 (Int), Ciphers (Underworld)(Int), Command+10 (Fel), Common Lore (Adeptus Arbites)+20(Int), Common Lore (Administratum)+20 (Int), Common Lore (Ecclesiarchy)+10 (Int), Common Lore (Imperium) +20 (Int), Common Lore (Imperial Creed) (Int), Common Lore (Machine Cult) (Int), Common Lore (Tech)(Int), Common Lore (Underworld)+10(Int), Common Lore (War)(Int), Concealment (Ag), Deceive +20 (Fel), Disguise+20(Fel), Dodge +10 (Ag), Evaluate +10 (Int), Forbidden Lore (Archaeotech) +10 (Int), Forbidden Lore (Black Library)(Int), Forbidden Lore (Cults)+20 (Int), Forbidden Lore (Heresy) +20 (Int), Forbidden Lore (Inquisition) +20 (Int), Forbidden Lore (Mutants) +20 (Int), Forbidden Lore (Psykers)+10 (Int), Forbidden Lore (Xenos)(Int), Gamble +10 (Int), Inquiry +20 (Fel), Interrogation +20 (WP), Lip Reading (Per), Literacy +20 (Int), Logic +20 (Int), Medicae +10 (Int), Navigation (Stellar)(Int), Pilot (Civilian Craft)+10 (Ag), Scholastic Lore (Archaic) (Int), Scholastic Lore (Astromancy)(Int), Scholastic Lore (Bureaucracy)+10 (Int), Scholastic Lore (Chymistry)(Int), Scholastic Lore (Cryptology) +10 (Int), Scholastic Lore (Heraldry)(Int), Scholastic Lore (Imperial Creed) +10 (Int), Scholastic Lore (Judgment)+10 (Int), Scholastic Lore (Legend) +10 (Int), Scholastic Lore (Occult)+10 (Int), Scholastic Lore (Philosophy) (Int), Scholastic Lore (Tactica Imperialis)+20 (Int), Scrutiny +10 (Per), Search +10 (Per), Secret Tongue (Acolyte)+10 (Int), Secret Tongue (Administratum)+20 (Int), Secret Tongue (Gutter)+20 (Int), Secret Tongue (Tenebrae Collegium)+20 (Int), Security +10 (Ag), Silent Move (Ag), Sleight of Hand +10 (Ag), Speak Language (High Gothic) +20 (Int), Speak Language (Low Gothic) +20 (Int), Tech Use +20 (Int), Trade (Copyist)+20(Int)


Ambidextrous, Arms Master, Basic Weapon Training (Las, SP), Counter-Attack, Die Hard, Disarm, Electro-Graft Use, Exotic Weapon Training (Digital Weapons, Needle Pistol, Web Pistol), Furious Assault, Heightened Senses (Sight, Hearing), Hip Shooting, Imperial Conditioning, Labyrinth Conditioning, Light Sleeper, Master Orator, Melee Weapon Training (Primitive, Power), Mental Fortress, Nerves of Steel, Orthoproxy, Paranoia, Peer (Academic, Adeptus Arbites, Adeptus Mechanicus, Administratum, Ecclesiarchy, Government, Middle Classes, Nobility, Underworld, Workers), Pistol Weapon Training (Las, SP, Flame, Melta, Plasma), Rapid Reaction, Resistance (Fear, Psychic Powers), Street Fighting, Strong Minded, Talented (Deceive, Inquiry, Interrogation, Logic), Total Recall, Touched by the Fates (3 Fate Points), Unnatural Intelligence, Unremarkable


Imperial World – Sinopia (Blighted Origins, Decayed Society, Superior Origins); Brotherhood of Thollos; Scholar of the Colleges Hetaireia Lexis; Bonded Emissary, Tyrantine Shadow Agent, Legate Investigator

Almost forgot -

Thin Man is built w/ approx. 30,000 XP

Old Guy approx. 25,000 XP

If you will forgive me, they're kind of screaming "uber" to me. Then again my bias is that Inquisitors don't need to be quite so... weighty when it comes to the statistics. So, from my perspective, they seem to be over-powered, but that then leads to the question of "Over powered compared to what?"

With that said, I would love to see the histories. I think that would bring the characters to life beyond the statistics and the "sea of skills." Since you're not willing to share them on the forums, perhaps you could PM me... Oh, wait. Email me... gran_risa.gif


I'd be happy to email you if you'll send me an address.

kage {at} anargo-sector {dot} net

I'll be interested in reading about what look like interesting characters, if uber... I think. That "seal of skills" is still getting to me.

Also, very impressive use of tables on this forum! gran_risa.gif


I don't think there's really any need to stat your Inquisitors.

Powerful characters like Inquisitors will probably be detailed in Rogue Trader and/or Deathwatch . While we're all playing Dark Heresy , there's no need for powerful, influential characters integral to plots and storylines to be involved in combat or investigations to the point where they need all these statistics written up.

At least, that's my opinion. If I need an Inquisitor to appear during play, it will be in narrative time. If I was going to have a space marine in my game decked out in terminator armour, weilding a stormbolter in one hand and a chainfist in the other, I wouldn't bother with statting him. The Acolytes shouldn't have to fight him, and he's not at the centre of the story. If a fight breaks out while the terminator is still on the scene, I'll just narrate his actions.

Disciples of the Dark Gods has full profiles for two Inquisitors...

I'm agree with Headhanger.

I don't think it's necessary to establish complete stats for an inquisitor. In fact, when i need to make him deal with his acolytes or with other inquisitors/ordos, I 'm just using a sheet with a few stats like willpower or fellowship and associated skills, throne gelts available at the moment and contacts.

He is here to give orders, advices or informations and, in other cases, to provide acolytes with new equipment.

Never to act as the acolyte's last resort to keep them alive by roaring out of a ship, bolter on one hand and force sword to another...

In fact, he's just the man behind the desk, as in Charlie's angels gui%C3%B1o.gif

As I said in the OP, I agree that the narrative use view is a valid one. However, given the nature of certain developments in my campaign I think it an at least moderately strong possibility that my players will eventually seek direct and personal conflict w/ one or more of these inquisitors. As such, I found it a useful excercise to try to figure out a reasonble statistical/game mechanic description for them.

Also I am interested in what other GM's have come up with vis-a-vis building NPCs on the power scale of full Inquisitors and/or major villains.

Personally the two Inquisitors statted in DotDG seem a bit under developed if you take them in the context of the core book's suggestion that a fully XP'ed rank 8 character is barely ready to begin training as an interrogator, much less a full =][=. The ones in DotDG seem to me to be about on par w/ rank 8 PC's (which is fine by me, just doesn't seem to match up w/ what core book tells us) [also haven't even tried to run the math through the career system on the two in DotDG so maybe I'm underestimating them]

DocIII said:

As such, I found it a useful excercise to try to figure out a reasonble statistical/game mechanic description for them.

That and it is interesting . Maybe I'm just the only one, but I love just creating characters to see what they'll end up like, evne if they are never going to see the light of day (which in this case they are going to see the light of day).

DocIII said:

Personally the two Inquisitors statted in DotDG seem a bit under developed if you take them in the context of the core book's suggestion that a fully XP'ed rank 8 character is barely ready to begin training as an interrogator, much less a full =][=.

As above, my own bias is to view that particular statement as a mistake of the original authors, or they were smoking crack or something. gui%C3%B1o.gif I really don't see a reason that a full-fledged Inquisitor could not be created at a much lower rank, say 5/6, where they PCs are getting effective . It doesn't mean that Inquisitor would have to be the end game for all PCs but... Well, again, it's my own bias, and based upon not using the Dark Heresy system to represent the 40k universe, so please take with as much salt as you think is necessary.

(Then again, on and off I've played with statting up the Emperor. angel.gif )


Email sent as requested.

Thanking you, DocIII... I'll check it out asap. gran_risa.gif


I'm wondering how much of the 'story' you've been given Kage...