Qui - gon ability

By Keithandor, in Star Wars: Destiny

Hi all.

I was playing someone today and he was playing Qui Gon.

He had some shields on Qui-gon and resolvds a single die with 2 shields on it.

He told me it did 2 damage ? I argued that it only does a single damage as Qui-gon's ability says remove 1 shield and do 1 damage ?

It didn't make any difference to the game , but I wanted to make sure I was correct ?

If he had 2 dice with shields , he could do it twice for 2 damage ?

Qui-Gon's text:

Before this character gains 1 or more shield s, you may remove 1 of his shields to deal 1 damage to a character.

When resolving a single dice (or effect) for shields, you gain them in one go. So yes, resolving 2 shields will only allow him to do one damage.

When resolving multiple non modifier dice with shields (or anything else), they are resolved one at time. So in that case, Qui-Gon can ping for each dice you resolve.

Ok thanks , that's how I read it too.