Hi, this morning i reread parts of the Crafting section in the Special Modifications book, and something that i read suddenly made me doubt if the interpretation of the rules we've always used were correct or not, so i figured i'd ask here.
How we've done it so far:
Roll the die, add/sum up the successes/failures, and the advantages/threats, and then you're left with a result: Example. Lets say you roll 3 successes, 4 advantages, 2 failures and 2 threats. The end result would be: 1 Success, 2 Advantages.
And then you spend the 2 advantages on whatever you want on the crafting tables....
However, when i reread "Step 3" on page 75, it says the following: "The relevant tables on pages 76-86 include suggestions on how to integrate other results into construction.
First, crafters can use Advantages and Triumph results to make improvements to the item. Then , the GM can spend threats and dispairs to add flaws.
Unless a limit is specified, an option from these tables may be selected any number of times, and its effects stack.
So, suddenly i'm in doubt... in the die-example above, should the result be: 1 Success + 2 Advantages, or should it be: 1 Success + 4 Advantages + 2 Threats.
Edited by Gelanin