I could use some ideas here.
So last night my players were facing a rather tough fight (12 small but heavily armed trans-stellar raiders versus one light cruiser and 10 transport ships) which they wound up running from and declared they would perform an Emergency Warp Jump. Having previously had an NPC perform this manouver I declared it was possible and would take a full turn to power down non-essential components and spin up the warp drive.
A full turn later they had the gellar fields up and the warp drive ready, their (NPC) Navigator formally recommended against the action, nonetheless the Rogue Trader hit the "Go to warp now" button (seriously, the player drew one on the battle mat and repeatedly hit it to make a point).
Their light cruiser plunged into the warp and I closed the session (and then had a short argument over whether I'd over-statted that encounter or not).
Now their ship was about half way through a protoplanetary disc and thus happily inside the gravity well of the star, there were no other ships within 20 VU of their ship and the last guy they saw pull off this stunt was a Tzeench cultist.
I am a little stuck for ideas.
I do know they're all getting corruption from warp shock, as is the entire crew. I also know they're probably going to get out of this alive in one way or another (I'd like to put them back on track at some point and get them to the hidden pirate base but there will consequences in the meantime).