Bounty hunters license

By TheShard, in Star Wars: Edge of the Empire RPG

Is this an in game item?

If not, GMs how would you treaty this? How would you apply for one, what are the credentials you'd need etc?

Anyone with the Bounty Hunter career (EotE CRB, p. 57) is beginning with the Imperial Peace Keeping Certificate (IPKC).

How I've handled it, so far:

You would apply with the responsible Imperial law enforcement agency. A proper application, annually to be renewed, takes an Education roll (difficulty based on total Obligation) and the payment of the annual fee. You can bribe yourself around the Obligation (buying off several points) with Streetwise (difficulty based on reduced Obligation, but upgraded once).

Oh, and in my Galaxy, regular IPKCs are not valid in the Core Worlds/Colonies.

For Obligation I let PCs get one for operating in Hutt space.

15 minutes ago, 2P51 said:

For Obligation I let PCs get one for operating in Hutt space.

One could make that a regular IPKC for a little more Obligation to the ISB, becoming an Informal Collaborator (IM).

Its not an in-game item but something GMs need to take into account for, or just hand-wave.

If you can't get No Disintegrations , The Bounty Hunter Code Chronicle book is a good 'in-universe' example of something your characters would have been given.

It depends on how you want to play it as a GM.

In my game, I have made it something that players have to buy into it, created ranks and rewards of the guilds. As the players were happy with it, I did about 20 mins of RP with the player (while the others were shopping) and had him do some rolls to see how well he faired for selection.

This is so that players have goals/achievements that they can work towards. It allows more of a real feel to than just Credits or equipment rewards.

In my games, usually, if the player starts out as a Bounty Hunter they get it automatically.

But if they are cross-classing into it, I would either have them have someone who is a Bounty Hunter, or an NPC who is an ally, That person or NPC can vouch for the player.

That can make it easier to get it as usually guilds require someone to vouch for them. Otherwise, you can make some rolls to add flavor and bride the right people to get a

an IPKC.

So that is my two cents on this topic, Hope it help and is of some use.