AoR adventures involving Hutts?

By Andreievitch, in Star Wars: Age of Rebellion RPG

Do any of the AoR official adventures includes interaction with the Hutts at all?

I want to run a pre-made game for my next session/s but would love for Hutts to be involved to help with an bigger picture campaign arc.

Doesn't look like it.

I know Onslaught doesn't; Friends Like These, at its core, does not. I'm pretty sure the GM Kit adventure, Dead in the Water doesn't deal with Hutts. The beginner set and extension has no reference to them, and he back-of-the-book adventure, Perlemian Haul , doesn't either.

Officially .

Onslaught at Arda I would have a difficult time integrating a Hutt. Friends Like These wouldn't, thematically, but it might remain impractical. Perhaps you could re-tool one of the potential allies to be involved with a Hutt. I think the easiest , by far, would be Perlemian Haul, though - the Empire has a mysterious, secretive convoy with a cargo that is specifically "up to the GM". That could easily tie into the Hutts! Perhaps the Empire has a secret deal with a Hutt that they don't want to get out; maybe they are getting military-grade stims based on spice in return for turning a blind eye to the Hutt's operation? Of course, that doesn't really factor in to the adventure until the end, so it's more a laying-seeds-for-next-time idea, but...

Thanks @Kestin . I will have a look at that one! It sounds like it may suit well.

I don't know the AoR adventures, but you could always throw in a Hutt team to work with. Say the PCs have to get something from an Imperial base. The Hutts want something else, so they combine their efforts for the mission. Of course, there's always the chance for the inevitable double cross to leave the PCs holding the proverbial bag, but there's also the chance to form a bit of an alliance for future missions (and the inevitable double cross later. Lol)

Another option would be to treat the Hutts as competition. Maybe they're both after the same thing at the base. Or perhaps the Hutts want to steal something and the PCs want to blow the place up. So the Hutts are sabotaging the PCs efforts in order to buy time.

Edited by Ahrimon

Another approach would be to use one of the AoR adventures, but incorporate one of the modular encounters from the "Lords of Nal Hutta" EotE sourcebook. Perhaps some piece of information for the AoR adventure can instead be obtained by doing a deal with the Hutts. Maybe that information - from a Hutt - is how the rebellion finds out about Whisper Base (subject of the beginner's game adventure) in the first place?

If you're going to incorporate Hutts into AoR, you'll want a copy of Lords of Nal Hutta anyway...


- Trevor

Maybe I'm misinterpreting something here, but Dead in the Water does, indeed, involve a fair amount of interaction with the Hutts (or at least one Hutt). In fact it has some pretty great hooks if you use the adventure as a starting point for a campaign, which could quite quickly get the party neck-deep in Hutt business if you focus on the Hutt angle once the main adventure content is complete.

13 hours ago, BCGaius said:

Maybe I'm misinterpreting something here, but Dead in the Water does, indeed, involve a fair amount of interaction with the Hutts (or at least one Hutt). In fact it has some pretty great hooks if you use the adventure as a starting point for a campaign, which could quite quickly get the party neck-deep in Hutt business if you focus on the Hutt angle once the main adventure content is complete.

I don't know; I don't have it on hand, but when I looked through it in the past, I thought it didn't have a lot to do with Hutts. I know that I decided not to use it to transition from Onslaught to Friends Like These because it doesn't take place near (the South end) of Hutt Space, at least - where I need the party to end up - so perhaps that's why I assumed it didn't have any Hutts.

The party has to make a deal with a Hutt for some information, which can rapidly escalate into truly scandalous levels of debt to said Hutt depending on how much you want to torment your party. The Hutt and the group then get attacked, allowing for some further interaction between the party and the Hutt depending on how things play out. At the end of it, the adventure even explicitly recommends that the PCs be instructed to uphold whatever deal they ended up making with the Hutt...

Dead in the Water does deal a little with the Hutts. In fact, it even has an angle for getting Edge characters in an Age campaign.

For my own campaign, the Hutt in Dead is one of the benefactors for the group. Her angle is to get back into Hutt politics, especially as the Empire isn't as strong as it wants everyone to think (the campaign is set one year before A New Hope).

On 14/04/2017 at 6:54 PM, BCGaius said:

Maybe I'm misinterpreting something here, but Dead in the Water does, indeed, involve a fair amount of interaction with the Hutts (or at least one Hutt). In fact it has some pretty great hooks if you use the adventure as a starting point for a campaign, which could quite quickly get the party neck-deep in Hutt business if you focus on the Hutt angle once the main adventure content is complete.

Awesome! Admission here...I bought the GMs Kit and didn't even look through the adventure! I will have a read tonight. Might work well.

I'm running Friends Like These. Just make a Hutt in the slavers part of Act III and you're fine.

If you're planning on running your own campaign, I highly recommend your Alliance personnel has to interact with a Hutt at one point ijn the story.