Final decision (Jasco Games & FFG)

By jasco games, in UFS General Discussion

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Wow - what a way to keep us on the edges of our seats Jason. I really hope this works out. Keep us informed.

Hopefully everything works out for you Jasco

Im guessing that you cant tell us what those conditions are can you?

Yeah I have to admit that I am very curious as to see who is gonna pick this up.. So long as someone dose...

Cain Valentine said:

Yeah I have to admit that I am very curious as to see who is gonna pick this up.. So long as someone dose...

Chances are if Jasco doesn't pick it up no one will. The game died for a reason. There aren't any game companies out there chomping at the bit to pick up the license of a game that had less then 1,000 players for over a year. It just isn't going to happen. Most companies are having enough trouble keeping their CCGs afloat these days, let alone thinking about picking up a license of a dead one.

I think thats really the problem and why this game died.....there just isnt enough money to be made when you have to pay for the licenses and printing the cards nd everything else involved...if someone else takes over the game i think it should just be for the mechanics and we should leave the games out for the time being till the game picks up or the economy gets better

Invariably many of us will have moved on by then (sadly and fortunately). Like myself with MMO focus and Warhammer Invasion dabbling. I hear UFS House: Dayton has moved on to pursue another game as well (again, Warhammer Invasion... last I checked).

I asked someone in UDE, and they are NOT interested in picking up any TCGs, more-over this one. As poster mentioned before. Economy is epic phail right now.

I am glad some people are being logical about the whole thing.

It's cool that someone is looking at buying the UFS (I assume engine and rights to make cards) but it is very unlikely that anyone is going to be able to afford to support the game.

The costs have to be astronomical compared to any in-house card game.
Not only do you have the game itself, Each company has its own licensing fees for each of it's games (unless I am mistaken, there might be a flat fee for using SNK characters or something) Either way you are looking at a serious chunk of change to put into a game that, quite frankly, died because of lack of interest.

If this Jasco Games deal falls through and people are really interested in UFS, then why not simply do what has been suggested in the past, as well as has been done with Star Wars CCG and more recently, Raw Deal? Make it a Digital-only (or self printed) game. I know there has been discussion but if we have the blessing of the rights holders to the UFS engine (basically ffg saying "go ahead, we won't sue you 6 months into your project")it could be something that those who are really interested in keeping the game going can do.

Personally I would be incredibly hesitant as a retailer to stock a relaunched UFS unless I had guaranteed sales. This isn't like Wizkids where the playerbase was there but some parent company said "let's pull the plug" leaving people standing with money in hand waiting for the new set.

Jypsy said:

Personally I would be incredibly hesitant as a retailer to stock a relaunched UFS unless I had guaranteed sales. This isn't like Wizkids where the playerbase was there but some parent company said "let's pull the plug" leaving people standing with money in hand waiting for the new set.

And the next set produced, waiting on a dock in China.

Jypsy said:

If this Jasco Games deal falls through and people are really interested in UFS, then why not simply do what has been suggested in the past, as well as has been done with Star Wars CCG and more recently, Raw Deal? Make it a Digital-only (or self printed) game. I know there has been discussion but if we have the blessing of the rights holders to the UFS engine (basically ffg saying "go ahead, we won't sue you 6 months into your project")it could be something that those who are really interested in keeping the game going can do.

We're working on it.

Antigoth said:

Jypsy said:

Personally I would be incredibly hesitant as a retailer to stock a relaunched UFS unless I had guaranteed sales. This isn't like Wizkids where the playerbase was there but some parent company said "let's pull the plug" leaving people standing with money in hand waiting for the new set.

And the next set produced, waiting on a dock in China.

Wait.. UFS's next set is already produced or did you mean Wizkids' stuff?

Jypsy said:

I am glad some people are being logical about the whole thing.

It's cool that someone is looking at buying the UFS (I assume engine and rights to make cards) but it is very unlikely that anyone is going to be able to afford to support the game.

The costs have to be astronomical compared to any in-house card game.
Not only do you have the game itself, Each company has its own licensing fees for each of it's games (unless I am mistaken, there might be a flat fee for using SNK characters or something) Either way you are looking at a serious chunk of change to put into a game that, quite frankly, died because of lack of interest.

If this Jasco Games deal falls through and people are really interested in UFS, then why not simply do what has been suggested in the past, as well as has been done with Star Wars CCG and more recently, Raw Deal? Make it a Digital-only (or self printed) game. I know there has been discussion but if we have the blessing of the rights holders to the UFS engine (basically ffg saying "go ahead, we won't sue you 6 months into your project")it could be something that those who are really interested in keeping the game going can do.

Personally I would be incredibly hesitant as a retailer to stock a relaunched UFS unless I had guaranteed sales. This isn't like Wizkids where the playerbase was there but some parent company said "let's pull the plug" leaving people standing with money in hand waiting for the new set.

Thats why i dont think we should worry about other licenses at the beginning the game is good and different enough that it could have a fan base without being street fighter or any other game and just shadowar....who knows maybe down the line we could get our own videogame made

GraveLord said:

Antigoth said:

And the next set produced, waiting on a dock in China.

Wait.. UFS's next set is already produced or did you mean Wizkids' stuff?

Wizkids, that Hammer of Thor Set that was released by the new owners of Heroclix.

There was no UFS in the pipe after QFS.

Sorry again for the title of this page, things changed drastically right after I posted the original message.

I will let everyone know now since this seems to be the topic of discussion, that we will not be starting the game with Capcom or other major licenses, simply due to costs. We are still working on purchasing the rights to the game mechanics with Steve, and if/when we achieve this first goal, we will be working on a new set that may or may not be combined with the current standard format. We have an idea right now on how to avoid many of the initial printing costs, but there are so many other factors in producing a card game for prices (art, shipping, design, distribution, advertising, prize support, etc). We have been working on a business plan and contract agreement for weeks now and will hopefully have the ideal plan ready when/if all works out. I very much hope that all of you players who have been interested in supporting the game will continue to back us if things work out. Part of keeping this game alive indefinitely is having support from the players. I will personally be overseeing and working on this entire project, and as a player and lover of the game, I think this passion will show in the future of UFS.

I will be glad to answer any questions you have about our plans for UFS and what ideas and plans we are throwing around. Just e-mail me at [email protected]

I can't talk about the negotiations with FFG, but I will discuss any future prospects for the game and the community itself.

I will try to bring you all good news as soon as I can!


Best of luck and may the Force be with you

great news! keep the ball rollin Jasco

Yay! I'm glad! UFS was my first ccg, and I was hoping to bring it to my college! Thanks a lot.