An edge case with No Rest For The Wicked

By Lightningclaw, in Descent: Journeys in the Dark

I was thinking about the Punisher 1 card No Rest For The Wicked earlier, and something interesting occurred to me.

Most of us are likely familiar with the rule "No two Overlord cards with the same name can be played on the same target in response to the same triggering condition."

While a difference exists between "played" and "triggered" (example: Airborne is played during your turn and stays in your play area. From then on it triggers when blah blah blah), that rule says "played" and not "played or trigger".

In this hypothetical but rather unrealistic situation, RAW this appears to be possible:

Overlord has two copies of No Rest For The Wicked in his hand.

Hero A suffers 1 fatigue to gain 1 movement point.

Overlord plays first NRFTW and chooses Monster A to move.

Hero A spends the movement point and the Overlord moves Monster A.

For some reason, Hero A suffers another fatigue to gain another movement point.

Overlord chooses Monster A once again to move. Additionally, since this is a different trigger condition, he plays his second NRFTW and chooses monster B to move.

Hero A spends the movement point and the Overlord moves both monsters. This may repeat if for some reason the heroes continue to suffer fatigue to move this round.

After typing all that, I remembered that NRFTW does not say to keep in your play area, (only that you may trigger the ability each time a hero suffers fatigue to move) so that actually undermines the point I was making, since it reads more like this: When you play NRFTW, you gain the ability to move a monster after a hero spends a MP gained from fatigue. Then it wouldn't matter how many copies of NRFTW you played- you would only gain the ability once.

However, this does raise an interesting question- that OL card rule does not say "played or trigger", it only says "played".

I think it is a logical extension to add "trigger" to that rule, but in it's current form this loophole is possible IF there were multiple copies of a card that stayed in your play area (which there aren't: when I first started writing this post I mistakenly thought NRFTW was worded differently).


Weird, but I think it's legal.