Fast Hands and Blackmail timing

By wakefieldbw, in Star Wars: Destiny

Fast Hands ability triggers off of "activate". Blackmail ability triggers off of "roll this die".

Does Blackmail ability trigger before Fast Hands ability?

Fast Hands:

After you activate attached character, you may resolve one of its character or upgrade dice.


After you roll this die, any opponent may give you 1 resource to remove this die.

They effectively trigger at the same time since rolling the dice is the last thing you do when activating a character. I would imagine that the normal rules for two things that trigger at the same time would apply.

I would think they are essentially triggering at the same time...right? Because activating includes rolling the dice, so after rolling the dice and after you active are the same time?

If so, assuming your opponent doesn't also have an after trigger happening at the same, you'd get to choose the order.

Though, the after you roll trigger, may trigger first since rolling happens as a part of activation, so it would enter the queue before the activation ends?

My initial reaction is they happen at the same time and normal simultaneous triggers rules would apply. But, I could see it going either way.

Edited by netherspirit1982

Another question now that I think about it: would a re-roll be considered a roll in regards to Blackmail's ability?

6 minutes ago, wakefieldbw said:

Another question now that I think about it: would a re-roll be considered a roll in regards to Blackmail's ability?

Given the rules for X-Wing, I would say no, but I can't find anything in the Rules Reference to indicate yes or no.

My thought is that the rule on the card supersedes the timing, but that is what I gather based on the spirit of what the card blackmail is saying. so... right after you roll, your opponent can give you cash/die, then you decide on what you want to use fast hands on.

I also think re-roll = a type of roll, so whenever you re-roll blackmail your opponent can follow the card and cash/die = remove.

53 minutes ago, wakefieldbw said:

Another question now that I think about it: would a re-roll be considered a roll in regards to Blackmail's ability?

Someone got a response from Lukas that both rolls and rerolls are considered rolls for Blackmail or other "You rolled an X" trigger.

1 minute ago, Buhallin said:

Someone got a response from Lukas that both rolls and rerolls are considered rolls for Blackmail or other "You rolled an X" trigger.

I was going to say this. Blackmail seems to be worded this way to allow the potential for removal anytime the die is rolled, not just when the character Blackmail is attached to is activated.

25 minutes ago, Buhallin said:

Someone got a response from Lukas that both rolls and rerolls are considered rolls for Blackmail or other "You rolled an X" trigger.

Nice! That's good news. A ruling that makes sense.

27 minutes ago, netherspirit1982 said:

Nice! That's good news. A ruling that makes sense.

The ruling makes sense, but it certainly munges the terminology. "Roll" means to roll a die into your pool. You cannot "roll" something that's already in your pool. But you can "reroll" it, and regardless of whether you "roll" it or "reroll" it you have "rolled" it.

12 hours ago, wakefieldbw said:

Fast Hands ability triggers off of "activate". Blackmail ability triggers off of "roll this die".

Does Blackmail ability trigger before Fast Hands ability?

Fast Hands:

After you activate attached character, you may resolve one of its character or upgrade dice.


After you roll this die, any opponent may give you 1 resource to remove this die.

I'm fairly confident that Blackmail triggers (and resolves) first. Rolling the character's dice is part of activation, therefore rolling definitely happens before activating is finished. "After you activate" can only ever be after "after you roll."

10 hours ago, Buhallin said:

The ruling makes sense, but it certainly munges the terminology. "Roll" means to roll a die into your pool. You cannot "roll" something that's already in your pool. But you can "reroll" it, and regardless of whether you "roll" it or "reroll" it you have "rolled" it.

Indeed the terminology from one game to the next does muddy the waters considerably. Though X-Wing is a different game FFG have declared in the rules for that game that "roll" and "reroll" are 2 distinctly different things.

Again different games but some sort of uniformity among rules for FFG would be nice.

They are both after effects. I think the person who controls the battlefield would get to choose.

Neither says "immediately", so it's unclear. My own feeling is that you probably have to give your opponent the chance to remove the die before resolving it, since rolling the die is just one of a couple steps involved in activating your character (i.e. after rolling dice, you turn the card sideways and exhaust the character)