Are dice required

By Vrock, in Star Wars: Destiny

So, I went to the SoR event and ended up getting an Overkill in one of my booster packs. If I include the alternate art Overkill I got as part of the event, I now have two of that card, but only 1 die for it.

I want to know if I can add both cards to my deck even though I only have one die? I realize I would only be able to actually use one of the cards at a time (due to the dice limitation) but this would increase my odds of pulling that card and being able to use it at all.

Looking at the deck building rules, it doesn't specify that you can only add a card to your deck if you have the corresponding die, so I would think this would be a legal option.

For casual play, I don't think your opponent would mind, in fact they would probably never know if you don't have your whole dice pool visible.

For tournament play though you will actually need to have them both.

The real mind bender is will they ever release a promo of a unique Support or upgrade, like falcon or kylos lightsaber? as you can only ever have 1 dice on the board so you only actually ever need 1 dice for 2 cards, I have 2 falcons in my deck but only ever bring 1 falcon dice with me, hope I don't get pulled up at a tournament haha.

Below is the section of dice from the tourney regulations - officially yes, you need to have a dice for each copy of a card in the deck. In a casual environment, or a loose tourney structure, I don't think people would have an issue with it since it's purely detrimental to you as a player.

If a player includes any cards in his or her deck that require a die, he or she must have the die
matching that card’s collector number for each copy of that card. A player must have the die—or two
dice if they are using the elite version of the character—required for each character in his or her team.
Players are not required to reveal a die to their opponent until the corresponding card is in play
during a game

Ah! I didn't look at the tournament rules. Odd that they only mention it there and not in the main rules.


1 hour ago, Vrock said:

Ah! I didn't look at the tournament rules. Odd that they only mention it there and not in the main rules.


I don't think it's that odd. I think that it tells you that the way you play your own game is your choice, but in a tournament, you will need matching dice for all dice cards.

If you have two cards with only one die in your deck, the game can come to a screeching halt if you somehow get both cards in play at the same time. You'd either have to agree that the second card couldn't be put in play (similar to unique rules) or you better have a proxy for the die as a contingency. Either way, it's understandable why this would be prohibited in tournament play.

For casual play, you can even use a standard d6 if you did get both copies in play. We lost our One With The Force die for about 3 days, and just used a proxy d6 until we found it at home...but were prepared to take the card out of the deck for our league night games.

With reports of dice starting to wear out...after just 4 months of play...I worry that this might be a problem in the near future, and probably is going to be one long term. You can sleeve a card, and so long as you protect it from water, it will pretty much last forever. There's no real option to do that for dice, and even rolling on added surfaces and storing them safely doesn't seem to be a guarantee to keep them safe.

2 hours ago, kingbobb said:

For casual play, you can even use a standard d6 if you did get both copies in play. We lost our One With The Force die for about 3 days, and just used a proxy d6 until we found it at home...but were prepared to take the card out of the deck for our league night games.

With reports of dice starting to wear out...after just 4 months of play...I worry that this might be a problem in the near future, and probably is going to be one long term. You can sleeve a card, and so long as you protect it from water, it will pretty much last forever. There's no real option to do that for dice, and even rolling on added surfaces and storing them safely doesn't seem to be a guarantee to keep them safe.

Correct on the dice front. Really they should of just numbered the spots next to the symbol listing on the card, and just let everyone bring D6s. Generic D6s are VERY easy and cheap to replace, these specialty ones that go with specific cards arnt. The reason they did this though is they can control how the sides are "Paired". If you look all of the 5-6 sides are opposite each other, same with the 1-3 and 2-4. This means that someone cant use a D6 which is sided different, know some the 1 and 6 are opposite some arnt, to get optimum potential out of cards. Also this means they can design around the die, The FO or any double blank card the 5-6 are opposite each other where thats not likely to be on a normal D6. Lastly the premium dice just makes the game look and feel more "Premium" as your getting specifically desined dice and not just using some you grabbed out of your copies of Monopoly, Candy Land, and Sorry.

Only options are for them do have backup replacement dice, which would entail the making housing and shipping of them when someone needs one, which isnt cheap. Or they later on sell boxed sets, like all the Force Villian stuff from Awakenings or SoR. Problem with the later is that some would then wait for the Replacement sets to be made and buy them, as they would likely be priced at 40-50$, and just print out the images of the cards. Yeah you cant go to formal events but some would take playing casually and paying 50$ for all those dice as opposed to paying the booster prices hunting for them or the 40-50$ singles market.

Edited by GamerGuy1984

The colorful dice with Star Wars images on them was a big reason why Imgot into this game.

Also, you need to be able to distinuguish which dice are which, so generic six sided will not fit the bill. The game was designed correctly, although dice wearing out after four months is concerning. I hope with care I can get consderably more milage out of mine.

FFG wants you to spend the monies, so yes.

Dice wear is a problem and since these things will go out of print, the game pieces have a limited life span. However, I am sure there will be reprints of all the favorites, so you have the option to spend the monies all over again.

The dice are huge for the game. I proxied the game with generic 6 sided dice and it was a huge pain keeping track of what dice belonged with what. I think the way they did it was the way to go. None of my dice are showing wear. I always use a mat. (X wing, or regular mat)

TTS doesn't need no proxies and is a good place to test and theorycraft. For me it also extends my ability to play which has been nice too.

To proxy a D6 (I would rather loan you one of my dice if I could) seems rather disruptive, this would be my least favourite way of playing against someone because those large dice actually contain quite a lot of game information. Value, Symbol, Modifier and Matching Card, non of which is portrayed on a regular D6.

As for wearing dice, I would suggest a photo and complaint made to customer service (HERE) , FFG have stated that their dice are made to withstand normal use, so unless your dog ate the dice you should find that they replace it as a manufacturing defect. They did say they were looking at making the replacement policy more agreeable at GAMA, so maybe wait until then if you aren't happy with the policy in that link.

In my experience FFG sure want your money, but they understand the value of a customer and how easy it is to loose one. So be nice and be reasonable and they are usually able to assist.