Trust Your Instincts Question

By AeroEng42, in Star Wars: Destiny

I have heard some people rave about how good Trust Your Instincts is, but I am having trouble seeing it. For 0, you have to spot a blue character to re-roll any of its dice. It's only advantage to just discarding the card to re-roll is that you get to draw a card after, but at the expense of not being able to re-roll another character's dice. On top of that, it doesn't have ambush, so you can't immediately use your re-rolled dice (again, just like discarding to re-roll) or the card you just drew. And with mill probably gaining some share of the meta in this set, drawing cards isn't as good as it used to be, especially if they resolve a mill side right after you play Trust Your Instincts and discard the card you just drew.

Am I missing something here?

The fact that you draw allow you to have futher possibility of rerolls later in the same turn.

In the first couple of turns it is quite possible you won't have tha many dice to reroll so it is better the.

Furthermore playing 2 copies of it, it looks like you are actually a 28 cards deck, bad vs mill decks, good for consistency (think about specific combos you are trying to set up).