Hi all,
Like many of you, I got to test out some SoR cards in a pre-release event this weekend, and I found myself really liking My Ally is the Force, especially when I could pay for it as a surprise with dice using Destiny :-) I used it once to double tap a Force Throw, and another time to resolve Qui-Gon's shield effect 1 extra time to kill Jango.
But I started thinking about other uses for it, and came across an interesting conundrum. Can the die I resolve target itself?
Specifically, I was thinking of a eRey/Obi deck and wondering if I could use it to resolve Obi's 2 focus to first turn one of Rey's dice to a +2 melee, and then turn Obi's dice to a 3 melee since it doesn't get removed to resolve per the card effect. Since My Ally is the Force is also Ambush, I could then resolve 5 damage (or more, hopefully unblockable with Vibroknife) before my opponent could do anything. Does anyone know whether or not this is possible? The rules reference for resolving dice through card effects didn't seem to address it, unless I missed something.