card effect resolves a die - add modifiers?

By john_nld, in Star Wars: Destiny

Oh well here goes.

- My opponent during last SoR pre release was a full 100% convinced that the following happens:

- when I (me) force, through a card, you (him) to resolve a die you (he) can add modifiers. (that would be something huh folks)

I said heck no but it wasn't a tournament and I let it pass by and did not play the card...I rerolled all my dice to get 10 damage and frag him. (he got what he deserved)

P.S. every sentence that does not have - in front of it is either fluf, false or simply untrue :)

Edited by john_nld

When an effect tells a player to resolve a die. It means it.

A die.

Not some dice.

RR. p.9

Many cards allow a player to resolve one or more dice.
When a player resolves a die through a card, they use the
normal die effect based on the symbol, and follow any
extra instructions.
••A player must still pay any resource cost on that die.
••A player cannot resolve a modifier by itself.
••A player cannot use modifiers when resolving a die through
a card effect, unless the card allows them to resolve
multiple dice of the same symbol.

Single die for single resolution.

But now... Things like Maz and Secret Base - when you can resolve more than one dice, such as Maz allowing 2, can you resolve a base and a modifier, or would it be two separate actions to resolve dice?

11 hours ago, john_nld said:

Oh well here goes.

- My opponent during last SoR pre release was a full 100% convinced that the following happens:

- when I (me) force, through a card, you (him) to resolve a die you (he) can add modifiers. (that would be something huh folks)

I said heck no but it wasn't a tournament and I let it pass by and did not play the card...I rerolled all my dice to get 10 damage and frag him. (he got what he deserved)

P.S. every sentence that does not have - in front of it is either fluf, false or simply untrue :)

All instances of a card reffering to singular or multiple ANYTHING can not be overwritten/done. Card says your opponent takes one more action then the action phase ends? Any Ambush cards played during that action are null and void is once that action is used the second half of the card triggers and ends the turn. Anything saying A die is exactly that A die, no modifiers, no anything just A die.

10 minutes ago, The Penguin UK said:

Single die for single resolution.

But now... Things like Maz and Secret Base - when you can resolve more than one dice, such as Maz allowing 2, can you resolve a base and a modifier, or would it be two separate actions to resolve dice?

Maz says resolve two dice, a Modifier is resolved but requires a base die to resolve it. Resolving them together is resolving 2 dice which would work under Maz. People are overthinking EVERYTHING in Destiny it seems. The cards are worded, for better or worse, in specific ways to make specific interactions.