Maybe Baze isn't a bad Legendary...
Arguments now are that he and Poe fill the same slot and Poes special is better.
It's a long shot but, the FF team made no bad characters in the last set. The weakest 3 were probably Finn,Padmae, and Grevious but all of those characters are positioned to become more playable as new sets release.
So if they did their homework, looked hard at all the characters and still made one that is fractionally different from Poe then there must be a reason. My theory is that his special that deals 1 damage to each character might start to matter and for that to be the case 4 character decks must be a thing (other wise the special isn't that strong).
So what I'm really wondering is if there is now a very competitive version of 3-4 troopers now and here is my theory deck so far...
3 troopers and a yellow character can get a couple of
down early and gain two resources each time any character on either side dies
This lets them automatically get enough free money to pay for two endless ranks which they can fish out of the discard pile with
On top of that they can be using two copies of
To deal two damage every time a character goes down which is 10 free automatically killing off one of their enemies (more free resources from aftermath when that happens)
So there is kind of a natural bank of money that keeps forming and along with their naturally good dice (and maybe some free rerolls from
that can turn their blanks into extra tries)
they could be able to keep cranking out troopers (or pilots, because you can squeeze one of those in now too) and they will be dealing damage while they are standing or dying.
Will second chance Han save you? Indulge me for a minute and think about this as an endgame show down.
On one side you should have han with some damage, some shields and a second chance. On the other you should have two troopers, two redeploy weapons and possibly a vehicle if you've played your pennies right.
Han does his thing and then claims to put whatever back on top of the deck.
Troopers roll out and their vehicle is in the pool. They play
To gain control of the battlefield without claiming it and then play
We have them now
And spin their dice to damage sides. So assuming there is one natural 2 range showing and the other dice can be spun to twos and maybe the vehicle is a 3 or 4...that's 10-12 damage that can be thrown down in order to pop off second chance and take out han.
Ok so that's all conjecture because dice mitigation and good claim tactics and quick kills of troopers will get in the way of this...but I wonder if an Endless Banks type of deck is somewhere in this new carpool. If there is a way to get solid money early and get that engine going early it could be super fun.....
Until Baze and his Cunning Hired Guns use their specials to riddle through the line up all at the same time.
Any thoughts on how to improve that deck or why it is just a pie in the sky idea?