Maybe Baze isn't a bad Legendary

By Manzanita9, in Star Wars: Destiny

Maybe Baze isn't a bad Legendary...

Arguments now are that he and Poe fill the same slot and Poes special is better.

It's a long shot but, the FF team made no bad characters in the last set. The weakest 3 were probably Finn,Padmae, and Grevious but all of those characters are positioned to become more playable as new sets release.

So if they did their homework, looked hard at all the characters and still made one that is fractionally different from Poe then there must be a reason. My theory is that his special that deals 1 damage to each character might start to matter and for that to be the case 4 character decks must be a thing (other wise the special isn't that strong).

So what I'm really wondering is if there is now a very competitive version of 3-4 troopers now and here is my theory deck so far...

3 troopers and a yellow character can get a couple of


down early and gain two resources each time any character on either side dies

This lets them automatically get enough free money to pay for two endless ranks which they can fish out of the discard pile with


On top of that they can be using two copies of


To deal two damage every time a character goes down which is 10 free automatically killing off one of their enemies (more free resources from aftermath when that happens)

So there is kind of a natural bank of money that keeps forming and along with their naturally good dice (and maybe some free rerolls from


that can turn their blanks into extra tries)

they could be able to keep cranking out troopers (or pilots, because you can squeeze one of those in now too) and they will be dealing damage while they are standing or dying.

Will second chance Han save you? Indulge me for a minute and think about this as an endgame show down.

On one side you should have han with some damage, some shields and a second chance. On the other you should have two troopers, two redeploy weapons and possibly a vehicle if you've played your pennies right.

Han does his thing and then claims to put whatever back on top of the deck.

Troopers roll out and their vehicle is in the pool. They play


To gain control of the battlefield without claiming it and then play

We have them now

And spin their dice to damage sides. So assuming there is one natural 2 range showing and the other dice can be spun to twos and maybe the vehicle is a 3 or 4...that's 10-12 damage that can be thrown down in order to pop off second chance and take out han.

Ok so that's all conjecture because dice mitigation and good claim tactics and quick kills of troopers will get in the way of this...but I wonder if an Endless Banks type of deck is somewhere in this new carpool. If there is a way to get solid money early and get that engine going early it could be super fun.....

Until Baze and his Cunning Hired Guns use their specials to riddle through the line up all at the same time.

Any thoughts on how to improve that deck or why it is just a pie in the sky idea?

One issue is there seems to be more disrupt now which could bankrupt you before endless comes into play.

Ok if disrupt is the meta maybe you can run it with a night sister and use


to get endless ranks out of your hand early and trigger it for zero cost the fist time. Or maybe just lean into some other resource producing cards.

Also the docking bay battle field will let me play after math and attrition from the discard for free with little benefit to my opponent...probably won't get to claim much though.

I'm planning on building a eBaze deck - sourced one already. Might not be great, but puts out a ton of damage and should be a good laugh at least.

Just deciding on a partner - eMaz, eRey or Leia...

15 hours ago, Manzanita9 said:

Maybe Baze isn't a bad Legendary...

Arguments now are that he and Poe fill the same slot and Poes special is better.

It's a long shot but, the FF team made no bad characters in the last set. The weakest 3 were probably Finn,Padmae, and Grevious but all of those characters are positioned to become more playable as new sets release.

So if they did their homework, looked hard at all the characters and still made one that is fractionally different from Poe then there must be a reason. My theory is that his special that deals 1 damage to each character might start to matter and for that to be the case 4 character decks must be a thing (other wise the special isn't that strong).

So what I'm really wondering is if there is now a very competitive version of 3-4 troopers now and here is my theory deck so far...

3 troopers and a yellow character can get a couple of


down early and gain two resources each time any character on either side dies

This lets them automatically get enough free money to pay for two endless ranks which they can fish out of the discard pile with


On top of that they can be using two copies of


To deal two damage every time a character goes down which is 10 free automatically killing off one of their enemies (more free resources from aftermath when that happens)

So there is kind of a natural bank of money that keeps forming and along with their naturally good dice (and maybe some free rerolls from


that can turn their blanks into extra tries)

they could be able to keep cranking out troopers (or pilots, because you can squeeze one of those in now too) and they will be dealing damage while they are standing or dying.

Will second chance Han save you? Indulge me for a minute and think about this as an endgame show down.

On one side you should have han with some damage, some shields and a second chance. On the other you should have two troopers, two redeploy weapons and possibly a vehicle if you've played your pennies right.

Han does his thing and then claims to put whatever back on top of the deck.

Troopers roll out and their vehicle is in the pool. They play


To gain control of the battlefield without claiming it and then play

We have them now

And spin their dice to damage sides. So assuming there is one natural 2 range showing and the other dice can be spun to twos and maybe the vehicle is a 3 or 4...that's 10-12 damage that can be thrown down in order to pop off second chance and take out han.

Ok so that's all conjecture because dice mitigation and good claim tactics and quick kills of troopers will get in the way of this...but I wonder if an Endless Banks type of deck is somewhere in this new carpool. If there is a way to get solid money early and get that engine going early it could be super fun.....

Until Baze and his Cunning Hired Guns use their specials to riddle through the line up all at the same time.

Any thoughts on how to improve that deck or why it is just a pie in the sky idea?

After almost two decades in gaming, Board/RPG/TT/CCGs, I can tell you there is NEVER really a "Bad" anything, just a very poor somthing. Baze can and does work, but is it easier, or more efficient to use another character that would do what he does. Baze is as much as Poe, Baze's special gets you at most 4 IF they are running like a quad trooper deck. Poe on the other hand gets you on average 2-3 against a single target versus the 1 per target of Baze. So Baze gets more damage against multiple targets but Poe hits single targets harder. With the game already in a 2 man/3man, possibly some 1 man decks with Palp, Baze is now going to deal at most 2-3, same as Poe.

As for the Quad decks being better, that I have to put up a emphatic YES to. With Tie Pilot, Wingman, Training, Battle Formation, and We Have them Now, just to name stuff from the new set, Red Villian Weenie is primed to make a pretty **** good impact. Funny thing is that like Magic where you have to pay for your creatures, the Destiny Red Weenie deck is also very VERY low cost on resource. I already half built the deck and more than half the events, so about 8-12 of them are 0 cost. The deck basically doesnt go for stopping your opponents dice offten, Best Defence and Cannon Fodder is about it, it just sets up to nuke your opponent off the board.

Edited by GamerGuy1984
6 hours ago, The Penguin UK said:

I'm planning on building a eBaze deck - sourced one already. Might not be great, but puts out a ton of damage and should be a good laugh at least.

Just deciding on a partner - eMaz, eRey or Leia...

I ran an eBaze/Leia deck the other day. Hit and Run into eBaze, with Leia having Wingman, it was hilarious.

GamerGuy 1984 do you think quad villain will be at the top of the new meta or do you have a different horse you would bet on right now?

Despite their surface similarities, I feel like Baze and Poe are quite different. Poe's special makes him the basis for combo decks. Baze doesn't bother with combos; he just beats your opponent down.

In terms of pure damage, Baze beats Poe*. Elite Baze has an expected damage out of 2.22 damage per round against a single foe (obviously higher against multiple characters). Elite Poe meanwhile has an expected damage value of 1.67, over half a damage less than Baze. To make up that damage, you have to make good use of Poe's special, which means building your deck around him. Baze just wants more guns. So you end up with completely different decks.

*The following assumptions were made for this calculation: you always have the resources to pay for the 3 Ranged sides on either character; only the character's dice were considered for triggering modifiers; the opponent only had one remaining character to take damage from Baze's special; Poe's special was calculated as a non-damage side.

tl;dr Baze is a beat stick; Poe is for combo decks.

15 hours ago, The Penguin UK said:

I'm planning on building a eBaze deck - sourced one already. Might not be great, but puts out a ton of damage and should be a good laugh at least.

Just deciding on a partner - eMaz, eRey or Leia...

Go "thematic" and try Chirrut :P

Random question, other than Baez what is the other red hero legendary card?

4 minutes ago, Ywingscum said:

Random question, other than Baez what is the other red hero legendary card?


21 minutes ago, blackholexan said:


Thank you