3xAAH F4Cafeteria Lady
3xADN F43Dreamlands Scholar
3xAHS F23Hapless Graduate Student
2xCS F30Itinerant Scholar
3xCS F29Laboratory Assistant
3xCS F28Strange Librarian
3xATH F7Beings of Ib
3xCS F41•Cthulhu, The Great Old One
3xCS F50Lord of the Silver Twilight
3xCS F46Ravager from the Deep
3xCS F36Binding
3xCS F40Unearthing the Ancients
3xCS F56Deep One Assault
3xCS F59Sacrificial Offerings
3xCS F33Celano Fragments, The Life’s Work of Dr. Shrewsbury
3xAAD F49Muddy Waters
3xCS F153Gentleman's Club
The Idea of this deck is to get Cthulhu out and hapless student. This allows me to by pass the draw during the draw phase so no sacking my creatures. and there is enough extra draw to negate the lose at draw phase for the most part.
since the opponent needs to sack one character a turn that uses up one of their domains just so they dont loose ground. I played this deck and its rough around the edges. I found beings of ib didnt help at all or the fragments. so im looking for anything that might make this deck a bit better. i think there is potential here. and muddy waters is awesome with the sacking. i remove one character every turn and exhaust one. strange librarian could also probably go. maybe add in serpent from yoth....