Armour and Pen problem

By PonceyPaladin, in Dark Heresy General Discussion

Hello to anyone who still hangs around here! I was wondering if anyone could give a few suggestions for a problem I am having.

I have recently been running a game where we have house ruled removing the TB damage soak and instead replaced it with a slightly modified wound system and by doubling Armour values and weapon Pen values. This seemed to be great to start with, and the Guard player really appreciated their 8 AP Flak armour when fighting autogun wielding gangers and the like.

But now I have found a bit of an issue when dealing with proper carapace. Basically you need to roll a 10 with an auto or lasgun on low settings to do 1 damage. 0 Pen weapons vs 12 AP seem to be a bit of an issue, and although carapace is meant to be good I thought it shouldn't be THAT good (Although it'll make Power Armour seem fluffly at 14AP as you wade through bullets laughing).

I don't want to just go back to normal rules because of this, but I also don't want to end up tweaking every weapon in the game. So any advice on how to tweak things a bit?

One house rule that I installed in my own game (mainly so that Space Marines wouldn't be completely impervious to autoguns, lasguns, and the like) is that you can use a Called Shot to reduce the target's total damage absorption (Both AP and Tb) by half. So far it's worked out very nicely.