
By ozmodon, in Star Wars: Destiny

Where does it state that his dice stay in play when he is readied? All I'm finding is return dice to a character when they are readied in the rules.

Any help or thoughts

you dont return dice in the pool when a character readies, a separate stage in the upkeep step does that. when balatik readies from his ability you leave his dice in the pool, when he activates again all his dice are gathered and rolled regardless of where they were before that

In the rules section for readying your character it simply tells you to untap the character, that’s it.

In the Rules section for the upkeep phase the first thing you do is ready your characters. Again that’s all the first part of the upkeep says to do.

Then the next stage of the upkeep phase it tells you to return all your die still in the die pool to your characters. So while one happens after the other, they are not related or intrinsically linked.

The one I don’t understand is I see a lot of people readying Bala mid turn from his ability on a few youtube vids I have watched, where 1 of his die are still in the pool, but when they re-activate him they do not also reroll the die already in the pool, even though the rules specifically say that when you activate a character you have to roll all associated die with that character. Go figure.

Edit: Ninja'ed

Edited by Mace Windu

A card is ready when it is in an upright position. Ready cards can be exhausted (turned sideways). A player instructed to ready a card should turn the card to an upright position.
bullet.jpg A card that is already ready cannot be readied.
bullet.jpg Ready supports and characters can exhaust to activate. Ready upgrades can only be exhausted through card effects.

That's my point. Who decided that his dice doesn't return to his card when he readies? It clearly states that they do under readying a character in the basic rules. I believe that this thinking has arisen from the ruling that the one with the force card stays in play when the attached character is removed. That in itself went against the rules of defeated character. The only part that makes it work is (before a character is defeated) making it an interrupt. They have made it clear that the before is the key wording and Bala-Tik is after. So I know that he needs to be in the faq but I think people just wanted his dice to stay in play and my thinking is that because of his low cost and the word after on his card that he was ment to ready like normal.

Edited by ozmodon
7 hours ago, TerrorScream said:

when he activates again all his dice are gathered and rolled regardless of where they were before that

This is incorrect, you only roll the dice on a characters's card or upgrade cards when it activates.

14 minutes ago, ozmodon said:

That's my point. Who decided that his dice doesn't return to his card when he readies? It clearly states that they do under readying a character in the basic rules.

The rules quoted above tell you how to ready a character, you turn it upright. That's it. Full stop. Do nothing else. Now the character is ready.

Returning the dice to the card is a part of the upkeep, not a part of readying the character. It's two separate steps to prepare for the next round.

If a character gets ready outside of the upkeep, dice in the pool, stay in the pool.

Edited by netherspirit1982
5 minutes ago, netherspirit1982 said:

The rules quoted above tell you how to ready a character, you turn it upright. That's it. Full stop. Do nothing else. Now the character is ready.

Returning the dice to the card is a part of the upkeep, not a part of readying the character. It's two separate steps to prepare for the next round.

If a character gets ready outside of the upkeep, dice in the pool, stay in the pool.

Where does it say that they stay in play because in the basic IE first rules it states that the dice are put on the card when it is readied

11 minutes ago, ozmodon said:

Where does it say that they stay in play because in the basic IE first rules it states that the dice are put on the card when it is readied

In the rules quoted above, by Amanal.

When you ready a character all you do is turn it up right. It doesn't tell you to put the dice on the card, so they stay in the pool.

Where in the basic rules does it say that? The only place I see it is during the upkeep step, which is two different sentences, so two different steps.

Also, the basic rules are just that, basic and aren't updated with changes.

Follow the Rules Reference, it's more complete and up to date.

Edited by netherspirit1982

The expanded rules just expand on the basic rules not replace them or did I miss that part? The expanded rules state that other triggers will ready a character out of the normal sequence but I'm not seeing where it says it changes it. I'm just trying to understand

Edited by ozmodon

That's fine, I'm just trying to help.

Let's start here: Where in the basic rules are you seeing that it says when you ready a character you return all it's dice to the card?

It works the same as One with the Force.

One with the Force says that when it becomes a Support, it start ready. So following the logic that when a card is readied you put the die back on the card, the One with the Force die should be put back on the card. But, in the FAQ, they cleared that up by saying that the die effectively stays in the dice pool:

ONE WITH THE FORCE (r42) • When this card becomes a support, its die remains in the pool if it is already there. If it was not in the pool, then it moves from the character to the support.

So, if the One with the Force die stays in the pool when the card becomes ready, I don't see why the same should not be applied to Bala-Tik dice when he gets readied with his ability.

The basic rules you are referencing tell you how to process the upkeep phase. Page 15 of the rule book defines readying as turning a card upright. The basic rules need to specify that you put the dice back on their cards because the term "ready" doesn't include putting the dice back.

You won't find a rule that says to keep the dice in the pool because nothing *actually* says to remove them from the pool. I can see why one might interpret the basic rules that way, but they are actually saying to ready the cards AND put the dice back on them, not to ready the cards BY putting the dice back on them.

I'll go with the dice stay in play but I think it's been misinterpreted. When someone says point and shoot in one place doesn't mean you skip the part where it says load the gun first.

This is purely speculation at this moment and I'll default to your interpretation until it makes the faq

11 minutes ago, ozmodon said:

This is purely speculation at this moment

No it isn't. The rules tell you what to do when you ready a character. All you do is turn it upright. That's it.

Edited by netherspirit1982
19 minutes ago, Red Castle said:

It works the same as One with the Force.

One with the Force says that when it becomes a Support, it start ready. So following the logic that when a card is readied you put the die back on the card, the One with the Force die should be put back on the card. But, in the FAQ, they cleared that up by saying that the die effectively stays in the dice pool:

ONE WITH THE FORCE (r42) • When this card becomes a support, its die remains in the pool if it is already there. If it was not in the pool, then it moves from the character to the support.

So, if the One with the Force die stays in the pool when the card becomes ready, I don't see why the same should not be applied to Bala-Tik dice when he gets readied with his ability.

No, OWTF doesn't become ready, it was already ready and stays that way when it changes from an upgrade to a support.

It stays in the pool because it's ability triggers before the character is defeated. It is defeat that removes upgrade dice from the pool.

OWTF is a support (that starts ready, it was never exhausted so it doesn't get readied) by the time the character it was attached to is defeated (and it's dice removed) so it's die doesn't get removed.

Completely different situation.

The rules for readying a character are in the RRG. All you do is turn the card upright.

To activate a character or support card, a player exhausts that card and rolls all of its dice. These dice are now in that player’s dice pool, and that player can take an action on a future turn to resolve their symbols. Characters always roll their character dice and their upgrade dice (from attached upgrades) when activated. Supports roll their own die into the dice pool when activated. Supports without a die cannot be activated.

I read that as all dice, even if they are in the pool. They don't seem to be except.

8 minutes ago, Amanal said:

To activate a character or support card, a player exhausts that card and rolls all of its dice. These dice are now in that player’s dice pool, and that player can take an action on a future turn to resolve their symbols. Characters always roll their character dice and their upgrade dice (from attached upgrades) when activated. Supports roll their own die into the dice pool when activated. Supports without a die cannot be activated.

I read that as all dice, even if they are in the pool. They don't seem to be except.

Lukas clarified this on Facebook, you only roll the dice on the character and upgrade cards when activating the character. So dice in the pool don't get rolled.

Should get updated the next time they update RRG, hopefully soon.

Edited by netherspirit1982
8 hours ago, ozmodon said:

I'll go with the dice stay in play but I think it's been misinterpreted. When someone says point and shoot in one place doesn't mean you skip the part where it says load the gun first.

This is purely speculation at this moment and I'll default to your interpretation until it makes the faq

I assume you are referring to the text in the starter pack rules sheet?

For anyone who doesn’t know this is what it says:


During the Upkeep Phase, You and our opponent do the following:

1 Ready your exhausted characters. Return all dice in your pool to their matching cards.

2 Gain 2 resources.

3 Discard any number of cards from your hand. then redraw until you have 5 cards in hand.

Now please note that the rules say "ready your exhausted characters." at this point it has a full stop, end of sentence. Then it tells you to "return all dice in your pool to their matching cards"

It is simply truncating 2 separate things you do in the upkeep phase, probably done to save space when trying to squash the rules of an entire game onto 1 double sided piece of paper.

It is quite clear that readying a character and returning its dice from the pool are 2 separate things.

Edited by Mace Windu
6 hours ago, netherspirit1982 said:

Lukas clarified this on Facebook, you only roll the dice on the character and upgrade cards when activating the character. So dice in the pool don't get rolled.

Someone also posted an email response here, with the same response.

9 hours ago, ozmodon said:

Where does it say that they stay in play because in the basic IE first rules it states that the dice are put on the card when it is readied

Would you care to quote the rule in question? Because other people have, and it's looking very strongly like there is indeed a misinterpretation here, it's just yours...