Nothing to see here, move along...

By Mace Windu, in Star Wars: Destiny


Asked a silly question without RTFC.

Move along, nothing to see here....

Edited by Mace Windu

If I were you, I'd just edit the title and text to something benign. "Have a good week everybody!" "I like pie!"

The choosing the no dice option was a BS ruling. IE Let the Wookie win! But in answer to your question. They will say that if one part cannot be done then it will have no effect. They are trying to make cards situational. One ruling on a similar card doesn't guarantee that they'll rule the same way on another. Sorry but if you don't have any dice then I can't see them allowing it to trigger. I'm sure others will disagree, but that's what they do.

Edited by ozmodon

So what kind of pie do you like best? My favorite is boysenberry.

Let them eat cake

1 hour ago, ozmodon said:

The choosing the no dice option was a BS ruling.

I don't follow, the ruling followed the rules, it didn't make anything up or change anything.

If an ability uses “choose” and “either,” the player using the ability may choose either option, even if the chosen one will have no effect. Once the player has made their choice, they have to resolve as much of it as possible.
bullet.jpg Some cards force an opponent to make a choice. The opponent can also choose either option.

1 hour ago, ozmodon said:

Let them eat cake

B-but it's a lie. There's lots of documentation.