How many copies of each card?

By scoddyboy, in Star Wars: Destiny

We are not even officially in to the SoR set and I already have a big stack of cards and a box full of dice for Star wars destiny. My collection will very quickly get to the point where it becomes difficult to store and manage so I was thinking of cutting it down. But how many copies of each card would you other's say is a good amount to have? I do play competitively and like to have a few decks constructed so I can play with my son as well as others who don't collect. I am currently going on the basis of 2 of each card for heroes and villains and 4 of each for neutral but this still results in a shed load of cards and dice.

Bare minimum is 4 of every neutral 2 of everything else.

I have what I would consider a crazy amount of cards, I have a set of 5 of the cardboard boxes that was handed out at the Destiny pre-releases. Each Holds 20 dice per layer in 3 layers. With a box for red, blue, yellow and grey I have the 5th for overflow. Looking forwards I'll probably buy 6 such boxes for each set and make a set of labels with that sets icon and name with a blue, red, yellow and grey background.

I also put two copies of each card into my folder and have a 400 card box for the extra cards. (Which is two of my dice boxes.)

Now if 4 years time, I'll end up with 12 sets of boxes. Which I expect will take up a good portion of one layer of my Ikea book shelf. In 10 years time, I may need to make room on a second layer. Although card rotation may mean I am not needing to keep older stuff on hand as it were.

4 hours ago, Shenannigan said:

Bare minimum is 4 of every neutral 2 of everything else.

Bare minimum is 2 of each. Yes, 4 is easier, but 2 of each is the minimum.

Thanks guys, that what I was thinking. Gonna have to start clearing some space.

I use old Expansion- Boxes from the SW-LCG. Very good for 81 dice. And the LCG Boxes are Grey, Red, Blue and Yellow. Perfect for Destiny.

Bare minimum is 0 cards. :) Bare? Right, like none? :)

Bare minimum to play the game is whatever you use for that 30 card deck.

I started by trying to get a double set of every card (uncommon and common), but I bought a couple more boxes when they became available in my area, and there was such a demand at that time that I flipped most of the legendary dice for the cost of the booster boxes and ended up with a set of 2/card for hero and villain, 4/card for neutral (with the exception of force throw and mind probe) and enough left over to make a few decks and sell them online for cheap (~$20 per playable deck)

As long as I am able to purchase product like I could for the last release, I will be making a double set of Hero/Villain and quad set of Neutral again. (I am not sure how easy it will be with vibrodagger).

One caveat: I don't collect more than 1 of unique legendary cards (unless they are characters)

2nd caveat: I only have 2 thermal detonators, and I don't expect to get many of the non-unique neutral legendary cards from the next set, either.

I play with my son so we need to have every character x2, every hero/villain rare/uncommon/common card x2 and every neutral x4. We don't need every legendary card x2 (except characters).

Edited by NetCop

Thanks guys, this is going to turn into one hefty collection.