Resolving die sides

By JarJarBot, in Star Wars: Destiny

Hey everyone, been playing since launch and had a quick question. This has only come up 2 or 3 times since mynpkay group started playing.

1) if I resolve a 1 focus to change a die to a 2 focus side can I then resolve that die cause the sides now match or not

2 ) if I use kylo rens lightsaber special, but shields, reroll, and get his special again can I activate it again cause of matching die sides

3) Sith Holocron rolls special, resolve for force throw, spend a resource, roll into a special can that be resolved

Thanks guys

All in the RRG:

1. yes

2. no

3. yes

31 minutes ago, JarJarBot said:

Hey everyone, been playing since launch and had a quick question. This has only come up 2 or 3 times since mynpkay group started playing.

1) if I resolve a 1 focus to change a die to a 2 focus side can I then resolve that die cause the sides now match or not

2 ) if I use kylo rens lightsaber special, but shields, reroll, and get his special again can I activate it again cause of matching die sides

3) Sith Holocron rolls special, resolve for force throw, spend a resource, roll into a special can that be resolved

Thanks guys

You can resolve all of a specific symbol in any order you want, doesnt have to be all at once. Any die can only be resolved once per turn regardless of it being rolled back in and onto the same symbol as before.

When you say once per turn, you mean once per action right?

41 minutes ago, Radix2309 said:

When you say once per turn, you mean once per action right?

From the RRG:

• A special ability that rerolls its die cannot be resolved a second time during the same action.

Yes, I ment 1 action and thanks guys!

22 hours ago, Radix2309 said:

When you say once per turn, you mean once per action right?

Player Turn. Im used to most games definining Turn as a player being able to do actions and not the back and forth till both players pass. Which most other games call a Round.

This game does have Turns which contain at least one (or more) Actions. So the terminology is important.