SOR Event pulling thread

By NetCop, in Star Wars: Destiny

3 hours ago, TheGuardian118 said:

If those are still up for grabs I'd love the Bala-Tik. (Or a raider if he is not.) I just picked up two copies of each starter deck this past Friday so I could go to the event at my store on Saturday. I've been lurking in the forums for about a week or two, and as this is my first post in the Staw Wars Destiny section I would completely understand if you were saving them for a regular instead of a random lurker. :) As I have no packs from the first set it could be awhile before I open my own.

Now to my pulls from the event. I got a mashiki training upgrade, a tie pilot character, and an interrogation droid support. As these were my first packs ever I wasn't sure if they were good, but I put them in the applicable deck and had fun with them. Can't wait till more packs are available as I'll definitely be buying more regularly.

Nobody's claimed anything yet, so he's all yours. Give it a few more days and if they're still up for grabs I'll send you a Raider as well. Just send me a personal message with your mailing info and I'll ship it out to you.

One event, was able to get 9 packs, pulled Chirrut, Darth, Snap, Rocket Launcher, Riot Baton, the yellow pistol thingy, the jedi ship, force lightning, and Jyn. Someone really wanted Chirrut so I traded him for a U-wing. Happy to get a force lightning, was hoping for vibroknifes, Guavian dude, and royal guard. Had eRey eHan already built so just subbed Chirrut for Rey and threw the couple yellow and blue cards I got that fit, Chirrut's ability is pretty fantastic but got blasted in the face twice and won 1 with some wicked Han and DL-44 rolls. Tons of fun but the wait for release is going to be even worse now.

1 hour ago, WonderWAAAGH said:

Nobody's claimed anything yet, so he's all yours. Give it a few more days and if they're still up for grabs I'll send you a Raider as well. Just send me a personal message with your mailing info and I'll ship it out to you.

Just sent it. Thank you so much again for your generosity.

Went to the event with two of my kids, so we had 9 packs between us. I rely on their luck...they've pulled every good card I've opened.

We got Krennic, Obi Wan, and Baze. My son went in wanting Force Speed, and heard the person exclaim when she opened it in her pack and I suggested he offer Krennic in trade, so we went home with Force Speed.

We also pulled 2 Vibroknifes, and 4 battlefields, and overall I was happy with our results.

On 4/2/2017 at 0:18 AM, WonderWAAAGH said:

If your act of charity is genuine then I'd like to pay it forward by offering some of my own cards up, and you get first pick.

I have a Bala-Tik and two Tusken Raiders, free to good homes. If John passes they're first come, first serve to whoever asks first (limit one per person).

Just went to my first event, a pre release. I was lucky that they had starters there. If you still have a Tusken, and are willing, I would love one! What is the cause of your generosity? You are an amazing person.

As for my pulls, I opened three packs. I got the Jedi interceptor, Con artist and FN-2199. FN was amazing during the tournament, and I won all three games! For my first time ever playing, I am already in love with this game.

Edited by biohunter21

Wow really happy with what I got:

1st Pack: IG-88 !!!! What!!!!

2nd Pack: C-3P0

3rd Pack: Vibroknucklers

Got two characters... Red mohawk lady and "one quarter portion" guy, the names for both elude me on a Monday afternoon. My other gear card was the Lightsaber Pike, which seems like it could be rad. Was happy that all of them were villains, as I typically roll hero and am looking to shake that up.

2 hours ago, biohunter21 said:

Just went to my first event, a pre release. I was lucky that they had starters there. If you still have a Tusken, and are willing, I would love one! What is the cause of your generosity? You are an amazing person.

As for my pulls, I opened three packs. I got the Jedi interceptor, Con artist and FN-2199. FN was amazing during the tournament, and I won all three games! For my first time ever playing, I am already in love with this game.

Of course you can have one, just send me a personal message with your mailing info. John inspired me to share a couple of my extra cards, figured it might help grow the community.

That leaves me with one more Raider, if anyone else is interested.

Between my wife and I we pulled Snap Wexley, Mon Mothma, Maz, and Jedi Acolyte. Not the characters we were hoping for, but Maz's ability is pretty amazing. Also got the lightsaber pike, and force push, which I was pretty excited about. Now the wait begins until we can open some more packs

Alright, my cards are spoken for! I'll get them out to you guys in the next few days.

Out of my few packs, I pulled 2x Asajj Ventress, and now I'm struggling to find a deck to put her in. I really love her ability, but her low health it hard to find a partner that I'm happy with.

Being from New Zeland I got to go to multiple events. Between the two days, I pulled a total of 6 legendaries. I only pulled one Palpatine, I traded for the second. But yeah crazy luck.


Edited by The Eighth Doctor
53 minutes ago, CruzinToVictory said:

Out of my few packs, I pulled 2x Asajj Ventress, and now I'm struggling to find a deck to put her in. I really love her ability, but her low health it hard to find a partner that I'm happy with.

Asajj has 2 main options to Pair with:

E-Asajj + E-Dooku = 30 points of lightsaber swinging badassery.

E-Asajj + E-Jabba = possibly the most Aggressive direct mill Strategy in the game to this point, has the potential to shred your opponents hand very quickly every turn limiting their rerolls to 1-2 max, dulling their damage output and putting a 4-5 turn clock on them to mill them out.

FN-2199 - not bad

Royal Guard - so so

Outer Rim Smuggler - meh

Overall meh cause not the stuff i was hoping for :P

Edited by Vitalis

I was a little too late signing up for an event in Socal and as a "wait list" dude that didn't get in. That said, I couldn't help myself and bought 9 boosters off Ebay at an inflated, but not insane price. Pulled a Palpatine and Riot Patrol Baton as my only two legendaries (below average), however, I did end up with 42 out of 45 cards being "unique". I can't complain pulling the Palp, and only 3 duplicates across 9 boosters isn't bad. I've got my fix, and will quietly await the general release...

59 minutes ago, SWO Daddy said:

I was a little too late signing up for an event in Socal and as a "wait list" dude that didn't get in. That said, I couldn't help myself and bought 9 boosters off Ebay at an inflated, but not insane price. Pulled a Palpatine and Riot Patrol Baton as my only two legendaries (below average), however, I did end up with 42 out of 45 cards being "unique". I can't complain pulling the Palp, and only 3 duplicates across 9 boosters isn't bad. I've got my fix, and will quietly await the general release...

Out of curiosity - how come 2 legendaries are below average from 9 boosters? AFAIK its 6 legendaries per 36 in the box so 1/6

You're right...I apparently can't add! Probably too much bourbon. So yeah, by the numbers, about right, if not a little better than average.

17 minutes ago, SWO Daddy said:

You're right...I apparently can't add! Probably too much bourbon. So yeah, by the numbers, about right, if not a little better than average.

ah! i was secretly expecting they increased amount of legendaries in the box

Huh... weird so many of you got Palpatine. At my local game cafe, 3 out of 36 players (so 1/36 of all the packs opened), myself included (yay!) got a Palpatine. He actually seems pretty common, as far as legendaries go. Looks like if you buy a box, you get a Palpatine!

The most coveted cards at my local events were always Jyn and Chewie. They seem like the rarest of the cards so far!

In my area there were loads of events, I ended up going to six myself others in my area did more. As far as I can tell four Palpatine cards were pulled 6x3 =18 boxes so seeing only four is less than I expected, to be honest.

Edited by The Eighth Doctor
12 hours ago, Kieransi said:

Huh... weird so many of you got Palpatine. At my local game cafe, 3 out of 36 players (so 1/36 of all the packs opened), myself included (yay!) got a Palpatine. He actually seems pretty common, as far as legendaries go. Looks like if you buy a box, you get a Palpatine!

The most coveted cards at my local events were always Jyn and Chewie. They seem like the rarest of the cards so far!

No luck with Chewie, but I did pull Jyn. Win!