SOR Event pulling thread

By NetCop, in Star Wars: Destiny

Got some great stuff, traded some great cards away to a new player. We all played very casual and randomly gave out the prizes to the people that stayed until the end and played all day.

One event today at least one or two tomorrow.

Today, 5 packs in order of opening...


Force Lightning

Outer Rim Smuggler

Baze Malbus


Pretty dang happy with Force Lightning, others were meh on opening, Baze is Legendary so that's always good but he is a little underwhelming. My son did play Chirrut and his ability was pretty sweet. Love characters but would have liked some more upgrades.

Edited by Thrindal
5 hours ago, CBMarkham said:

I'm not familiar with that month. Is it soon?

I must have been too tired to catch that autocorrect. Imagine my embarrassment.

4 hours ago, johnwiser said:

I am sorry to hear that you are unable to attend a pre-release event, Wonder, and with that being said I would like to offer you a set of the three promo cards. Just get in touch with me and we will make this happen.

If your act of charity is genuine then I'd like to pay it forward by offering some of my own cards up, and you get first pick.

I have a Bala-Tik and two Tusken Raiders, free to good homes. If John passes they're first come, first serve to whoever asks first (limit one per person).

Could only make 1 event, but pretty happy.

Maz, Rocket Launcher, Fast Hands, Air Superiority were my sweet ones. Got some good secondaries like Garbage'll Do, Diversion, Aftermath, and Outmaneuver.

3 Battlefields: Docking Bay, Maz's Castle, Cargo Hold.

(EDIT) Nice promo cards too...does FFG ever plan on including Dice with cards so they can be used?

Edited by kellyj
On 4/1/2017 at 10:22 AM, WonderWAAAGH said:

You know, I was already quite pissed that FFG completely f***ed Southern California out of preview kits, but people bragging about their pulls today really isn't going to do much to improve my otherwise cheerful disposition, and I doubt I'm the only one. Why don't you guys save your celebrations for the non-digital crowd? Or at least maybe just limit it to Facebook. That'd be much appreciated, thank you.

I feel your pain.

My state did not get a single event. Not a one. Sure, we are not a huge state population wise, but that actually makes it worse. It takes a long time to get to anywhere out of state for an event. Some of my fellow players drove over 6hr to attend a single event. (I thought they were nuts. 12 hours in a car round trip for a few packs? That's like buying from an eBay scalper when you factor in gas.)

And I'll be honest. I didn't care about the promos.

I've been fighting to grow and maintain my local play group, and it's tough. But stuff like this, this complete and total debacle, really hurts and works directly against community growth. The community feels slighted, insulted, and more than a little angry. It's hard to make it grow when such feelings abound.

Edited by KryatDragon

I squeezed my slave one and an astromech into my trooper deck (Bala Tik joined), but the heavy lifting was done by improvise ( the support that lets you use s blank to reroll any number of dice) which basically fixed my blank rolling storm troopers allowing me to save my cards for defense and trickery instead of rerolls. "We have you now" or whatever, let me turn 4 dice to damage as well. Troopers got stronger!

Also maz googles are legendary but i don't know why yet. Yet.

Pulled 2 legendary quadjumpers o.O

Anyone wanna trade

6 hours ago, WonderWAAAGH said:

If your act of charity is genuine then I'd like to pay it forward by offering some of my own cards up, and you get first pick.

I have a Bala-Tik and two Tusken Raiders, free to good homes. If John passes they're first come, first serve to whoever asks first (limit one per person).

Thank you for the offer, very nice of you. I am not in need of these cards and hope that they find a good home to people that can use them. However my offer stands and this set of three promo cards are yours. At the end of the day I believe in paying it forward and can only hope you enjoy these three promo cards.

I pulled an Ascension Gun, an Interrogation Droid, and a Force Lightning!!

I pulled apart my eJabba eJango deck and put together a double Nightsister eJabba deck. Went 3 and 1, I definitely think mill is going be big in this next set.

8 boosters - Krennic's Pistol, Smuggler ship, Chirrut, Force Lightning, Dark Trooper, Makashi Training, Maz

Generally, pretty pleased. Was hoping for a Baze more than anything, but the Trooper and the Lightning will be good trade fodder as I don't play villains. Thinking double Baze/Maz or single Leia as my new deck. Got some good stuff to play a Qui-gon/Rey though.

Legendaries: Krennic and U-Wing

Rares: Death Trooper, Jedi Acolyte, R2-D2, Overkill, E-Web Emplacement, Interrogation Droid, Protective Shield

Other notable: Fast Hands

Nice to get a Death Trooper with Krennic!

Either through trades or pulls this is what I ended up with yesterday.

Slave 1

Z6 Riot Control Baton

Chirrut Imwe

Smuggling Freighter


Force Heal

Maz Kanata

I'm really pleased with everything except the Smuggling Freighter.

Today I got a..

Jedi Interceptor


The One w/ Tarkin's Head (Loyalty or something like that)

I got really lucky over about 12 packs I got 2 force speed und 1 force lightning! Now I really want old cards for eVader!

I went to my second event today with my daughter this time. We each gother our three packs she pulled lone operative, lightSaber pike and rebel commando. In my three packs which I let my other daughter open she pulled Director Krennic, Obi-wan and overkill.

10 packs. Got Krenic, Maz's Goggles, and 8 respectable rares (mostly characters).

Deathtroopers seem to be a hot commodity. I wonder if it'll be the chase rare of the set? Only rare people are going to need 5 of.

Good times

Of the 2 events I was able to attend my pulls were quite below average unfortunately

Slave 1


Light Pike


Kenobis Diaries x 2

Fast hands (Best card I opened)

Conversely my super fortunate friend who played the same 2 events as I brought along a new player who is on the fence about getting into the game (so my friend paid for the new guy to play but kept the cards) out of the 12 packs he got he managed to open 2 x Force Speed, Chewy and Baze! **** lucky

I got IG-88 and Tie Pilot boys!

IG-88 needs a bunch of yellow gear to make his special ability work though. I did get Ascension Gun and Personal Shields sooo that was nice!

My daughter and I went to an event this afternoon, got three packs each and pulled Baze, Chirrut, Asajj Ventress, Aura Sing, Force Healing and some kind of villain pistol I forget which one it was. Also got Force Illusion which seems pretty useful unless you're facing a mill deck. Very happy with the pulls, especially the high number of characters.

Only eight people at the event, which seemed low.

Edited by pkreynolds

Went to 4 events.

1st - Lure of Power, Smuggling Freighter, Temmin "Snap" Wexley

2nd - Obi-Wan , Interrogation Droid, Rocket Launcher

3rd - Con Artist, Imperial Discipline (traded for Mon Mothma), U-Wing

4th - FN-2199, Vibroknife, Handmade Light Bow

4 legendaries in 12 packs, plus the chase rare of the set.

I played a couple of games of FoW V4 today, much fun was had by all as we relived the war in North Africa. See, FFG? I don't need you to have a good time.

After day 1 my luck continued, not to bore folks with everything but I had a crazy Blue Villain weekend. I went to 3 events total and my son came along for the last 2 and we opened a total of 23 packs. Everything in the image below was pulled in those packs except for the Lightsaber Pike which I traded for.


Other then that we did get a Baze Malbus and a fair number of minor characters including elite Snap. We actually pulled 3 Snap but definitely not complaining I gave away the extra Snap. I traded a Death Trooper to a friend who pulled Krennic and got the Pike.

On 4/2/2017 at 0:18 AM, WonderWAAAGH said:

If your act of charity is genuine then I'd like to pay it forward by offering some of my own cards up, and you get first pick.

I have a Bala-Tik and two Tusken Raiders, free to good homes. If John passes they're first come, first serve to whoever asks first (limit one per person).

If those are still up for grabs I'd love the Bala-Tik. (Or a raider if he is not.) I just picked up two copies of each starter deck this past Friday so I could go to the event at my store on Saturday. I've been lurking in the forums for about a week or two, and as this is my first post in the Staw Wars Destiny section I would completely understand if you were saving them for a regular instead of a random lurker. :) As I have no packs from the first set it could be awhile before I open my own.

Now to my pulls from the event. I got a mashiki training upgrade, a tie pilot character, and an interrogation droid support. As these were my first packs ever I wasn't sure if they were good, but I put them in the applicable deck and had fun with them. Can't wait till more packs are available as I'll definitely be buying more regularly.

I got to another event where less participants means I got 6 more boosters! (19 boosters opened, 19 rares pulled).

I cannot complain too much, though, because many people didn't get to open any boosters, and I am fortunate to have been able to get to 4 different events, and win extra boosters at one of them, and take my friend with me to one of them. I am thankful that I could get to so many (and very thankful for my vibroknife). There are tons of new cards that make some decks ultra competitive. I destroyed with Rey-Quigon because of my pulls.