Viable Deck From Just Starters?

By FatherTurin, in Star Wars: Destiny

Hey everyone. Long story short, I just decided to get into destiny, and since boosters are nowhere to be found at the moment, I bought 2 of each starter. I'm playing a few starter only games to get a feel for the game, but there's a "casual tournament" at my FLGS next weekend, and I'm wondering if there is any semi-viable deck to put together from the starters. I don't expect to win, people with access to boosters and a few months of playing are sure to stomp me, but I would like to be a little more than a speed bump.

Thank you in advance for your advice!

With 2 starters you can do eKylo and two stormtroopers, in your deck add the 6 dice cards, flank, rage, take cover, and the best defender.

or eRey/eFinn, same idea. Add the 6 dice cards and 4 of the best of the remainders.

These aren't tournament winners but they do play well.

