Need a Checklist

By Amanal, in Star Wars: Destiny

Come one FFG a check list so we can see what we missed out on, please?

Failing that I'll post what I have:

10 * Darth Vader (Dark Apprentice) (Blue)

12 * Royal Guard (Blue)

15 Lightsaber Pike (Blue)

26 * Baze Malbus (red)

27 * Mon Montha (red)

28 * Temmin "Snap" Wexley (red)

30 * C-3PO (Red)

32 * A180 Blaster (Red)

34 * Jedi Acolyte (Blue)

37 * Obi-Wan Kenobi (Blue)

38 * Delta-7 Interceptor (Blue)

44 * Jyn Erso (Yellow)

56 * Makashi Training (Blue)

61 * Battle Formation (Red)

62 * Bait and Switch (Yellow)

68 * We Have Them Now (red)

69 * Attrition (red)

74 * No Disintegrations (Blue)

77 * The Price of Failure (Blue)

78 * Dark Presence (Blue)

84 * Rebel Assault (Red)

90 * Emergency Evacuation (Red)

92 * Guerrilla Warfare (Red)

96 * Spirit of Rebellion (red)

97 * Planetary Uprizing (red)

96 * Relentless Pursuit (Yellow)

98 * Salvage Stand (Yellow)

99 * Tactical Aptitude (red)

100 * Caution (Blue)

102 * Determination (Blue)

103 * Guard (Blue)

104 * Krayt Dragon Howl (Blue)

108 * Protective Mentor (Blue)

109 * Confidence (Grey)

111 * Hold On! (Yellow)

114 * Loth-Cat and Mouse (Yellow)

117 * Double Dealing (Yellow)

118 * Life Debt (Yellow)

121 * Salvo (Red)

122 * Suppression (Red)

124 * Air Superiority (Red)

128 * High Ground (Blue)

130 * Overconfidence (Blue)

132 * Rejuvenate (Blue)

134 * Meditate (Blue)

135 * Force Illusion (Blue)

137 * New Orders (Grey)

138 * Parry (Grey)

142 * Bolt Hole (Yellow)

145 * Fair Trade (Yellow)

152 * Cargo Hold (Battlefield)

153 * Docking Bay (Battlefield)

158 * Secluded Beach (Battlefield)

159 * Secret Facility (Battlefield)

Edited by Amanal



Edited by Stone37

That card is from Destiny, I may be easy to fool, but not that easy. :D

I think Stone37 was referring you to the title of the card.