New Red Spoilers

By dpb1298, in Star Wars: Destiny

Looks like it's been pulled to fix a graphics issue. Should be up later.

Fake news

Folks on Facebook managed to pull the cards before it went down if your interested. Training is amazing!!

There was an issue with Firefox but Chrome oppened it with graphics. Training upgrade card is super cool, it will turn non-unique red character into elite one for 2 resources.


Edited by NetCop

Training is not nearly as good as most people think it is. Which is to say that it's very solid, but shouldn't blow anybody's mind. In most instances it will be strictly worse than a Holdout Blaster or a D Pistol.

That said, it is a profoundly fun card, which I'm sure is what people are reacting to (and rightly so. Fun is fun).

Edited by CBMarkham

I can see Training mixing pretty well with Luminara's ability as it will give her an extra die (or two in some cases) to use her special on.

8 minutes ago, joeshmoe554 said:

I can see Training mixing pretty well with Luminara's ability as it will give her an extra die (or two in some cases) to use her special on.

Hrm....will it? With who? What deck are you running? This works on Rebel Trooper and Rebel Commando.

If you've got Rebel Trooper, you don't really want to add 2 points of value to him, because he's got low Health and guardian, meaning his real job is to protect the value you assign to other characters, not have value invest in him so he can die with it. If we're talking Rebel Commando, then there's zero room in your deck for a 3rd character, so like...I guess you're running eLuminara and Rebel Commando? Which means you've got a 20HP health pool (kinda low) and you start the game with 3 dice, in which case your opponent kills the Commando first and Luminara effectively becomes a character with 2 blank sides, or they kill Luminara first, and you've lost most of your starting dice value.


You know, .....I dunno about that.

....holy s*@$, am I a Debbie Downer.

Sorry. I'm gonna try to figure out how to shut up and let people enjoy their things.

I'm working on it.... I swear.

Fun is fun!

I'm disappointed with Mon Mothma. Her ability is really REALLY lack luster, and her cost is just out of range from pairing her with Elite forms of Luke/Obi/Jyn.

She needed something to mess with an opponent because she has been a thorn in the Emperor's side since the prequels.

(Opponent's max hand size is decreased by one) (Opponent only gains one resource per turn instead of two)

Maybe something that gives you more control like... (If you are to discard a red card, you may instead discard another red card in its place)

So much potential, and we get a reroll card...

2 minutes ago, Virtigo said:

She needed something to mess with an opponent because she has been a thorn in the Emperor's side since the prequels.

You know she can mess with an opponent by making them reroll good die results, right?

3 minutes ago, CBMarkham said:

You know she can mess with an opponent by making them reroll good die results, right?

Clever, I approve but the speed of the game might dictate if die rerolls and manipulations takes a back seat. We will see.

Edited by Virtigo

Training on Deathtrooper=tons of hurt, add tie pilot and your opponent can't even remove all that ranged damage, and you still have 12 or 13 points (can't remeber tie pilot costs 7 or 8) to spend on some other ranged damage character

29 minutes ago, Virtigo said:

Clever, I approve but the speed of the game might dictate if die rerolls and manipulations takes a back seat. We will see.

Speed effects give tempo which can sometimes be useful for realizing value, and even disproportionately high amounts of value, but there's no value inherent in "fast", only windows of opportunity in which it can be converted to value. For this reason, players who place too much emphasis on "speed" over "value" will find themselves so far behind, that they have fewer of these conversion windows, and then HAVE to make good on them in order to try to catch up (which is different than getting ahead).

They already put some very strong "speed" effects in the game in the form of Jango and Rey, and now they're dumping in way more with Maz, Fast Hands, Force Speed, Wingman, etc. That's great! Now everyone can dabble in "speed" a little to offset the Jango advantage, but I guarantee you, many players will over invest in speed and it's going to hurt them.

Edited by CBMarkham
24 minutes ago, Redblock said:

Training on Deathtrooper=tons of hurt, add tie pilot and your opponent can't even remove all that ranged damage, and you still have 12 or 13 points (can't remeber tie pilot costs 7 or 8) to spend on some other ranged damage character

This was my inital thought, meh on the other red non-unques great on a death trooper.

10 minutes ago, CBMarkham said:

Speed effects give tempo which can sometimes be useful for realizing value, and even disproportionately high amounts of value, but there's no value inherent in "fast", only windows of opportunity in which it can be converted to value. For this reason, players who place too much emphasis on "speed" over "value" will find themselves so far behind, that they have fewer of these conversion windows, and then HAVE to make good on them in order to try to catch up (which is different than getting ahead).

They already put some very strong "speed" effects in the game in the form of Jango and Rey, and now they're dumping in way more with Maz, Fast Hands, Force Speed, Wingman, etc. That's great! Now everyone can dabble in "speed" a little to offset the Jango advantage, but I guarantee you, many players will over invest in speed and it's going to hurt them.

I agree with this, in fact, if played poorly speed can actually hurt you. If you go through your available choices to fast and then do not have the resources or dice to react to the opponents play (not always but it can happen).

I love training because I have 4 stormtroopers cards and 5 stormtrooper dice. I got the fifth in a screw up. All along I've been, what am I gonna do with the fifth die? Because I play casual I was just gonna start one elite, breaking the rules. Now with training I have legit use!

thematic, I know, people will say that is not efficient, but I don't care!

love it! (Die rebel scum)

2 hours ago, CBMarkham said:

Training is not nearly as good as most people think it is. Which is to say that it's very solid, but shouldn't blow anybody's mind. In most instances it will be strictly worse than a Holdout Blaster or a D Pistol.

That said, it is a profoundly fun card, which I'm sure is what people are reacting to (and rightly so. Fun is fun).

Strictly worse is just as bad a term as strictly better. Perhaps we shouldn't start down that path on these forums just yet. Consider the fact that Death Trooper x3 will be at a major disadvantage playing any dice with a pay side.

At any rate, none of the above listed cards are mutually exclusive.

Edited by WonderWAAAGH
7 minutes ago, WonderWAAAGH said:

Strictly worse is just as bad a term as strictly better. Perhaps we shouldn't start down that path on these forums just yet. Consider the fact that Death Trooper x3 will be at a major disadvantage playing any dice with a pay side.

At any rate, none of the above listed cards are mutually exclusive.

I agree with you, which is why I qualified my statement with "in most instances". And you're right, Deathtrooper is the one place where I really like this card. On all other spots, I'm a bit lukewarm on it.

2 hours ago, CBMarkham said:

Hrm....will it? With who? What deck are you running? This works on Rebel Trooper and Rebel Commando.

If you've got Rebel Trooper, you don't really want to add 2 points of value to him, because he's got low Health and guardian, meaning his real job is to protect the value you assign to other characters, not have value invest in him so he can die with it. If we're talking Rebel Commando, then there's zero room in your deck for a 3rd character, so like...I guess you're running eLuminara and Rebel Commando? Which means you've got a 20HP health pool (kinda low) and you start the game with 3 dice, in which case your opponent kills the Commando first and Luminara effectively becomes a character with 2 blank sides, or they kill Luminara first, and you've lost most of your starting dice value.

She special could resolve one of the trooper's dice as 4 Blaster/5 Blaster/+4 Blaster(mostly useless)/4 Shields (or 3 really)/4 Resources/Blank. Might not be competitive, but I could see it being fun.

30 minutes ago, CBMarkham said:

I agree with you, which is why I qualified my statement with "in most instances". And you're right, Deathtrooper is the one place where I really like this card. On all other spots, I'm a bit lukewarm on it.

Using the term 'strictly X' is enough to earn you quite a few jeers on some other forums, so I'm just saying that we should be careful about our language.

15 minutes ago, WonderWAAAGH said:

...I'm just saying that we should be careful about our language.

Poppycock! Theirs nothing wrong with my language!

15 minutes ago, WonderWAAAGH said:

Using the term 'strictly X' is enough to earn you quite a few jeers...

I find that most of my jeers come from you. :P

(which is not to say that they're entirely undeserved ;) )

Planetary uprising looks kinda meh until you remember Snap exists. Add C-3PO to make sure you always have disrupt ready, and some damage dealing battlefield, and you can win games by never ever rolling any damage :D

Correct me if i'm wrong, but if C3P0 uses his action, could you resolve any other die to a special, ignoring his numbered value?

Edited by timboslice86
4 minutes ago, timboslice86 said:

Correct me if i'm wrong, but if C3P0 uses his action, could you resolve any other die to a special if it has one even you rolled blank on him?

As far as I know, you are not wrong. C-3P0 is so bananas good, he makes Poe a character with 6 special sides.

I've been trying to think of all the ways to abuse C-3P0, and the list seems long. Real long.