Highest/Cheapest Entry Fee you have seen for SOR pre-release?

By Reactor Terminal, in Star Wars: Destiny

Now granted, a lot of people aren't even lucky enough to be close to a pre-release event, but just curious what kind of entry fee people are seeing. A place called the Wandering Dragon in Plainfield, IL is charging 30$! That gets you 3 Awakenings and 3 SOR boosters. Most places I saw were only charging $10 and you didn't have to buy Awakenings.

$10 which gets you three SoR boosters at one joint near Boston, free entry but you have to buy the boosters at $2.99 each at a different store outside of the city.

7,50$ for tomorrow's tournament which gives 2 SOR boosters per player to the prize pool

40 minutes ago, NetCop said:

7,50$ for tomorrow's tournament which gives 2 SOR boosters per player to the prize pool

" each player will have the opportunity to purchase three booster packs when the event begins, allowing you to include these new Spirit of Rebellion cards in your Destiny decks!" -destiny preview event announcement.

not sure what your venue is doing but it sounds kinda sketchy.

No, not at all. We will be able to buy 3 boosters if we wish but that's apart from tournament, so everyone that plays that local tourney can end the day with up to 5 SOR boosters.

My five are either $9, $10, or $12 and include the three boosters.

Entry fee is $12 and it includes the 3 boosters and the promo card. GetYourGameOn in Ferndale, MI!

$12 all inclusive

$15 all inclusive plus Pizza

$10 "door prize" rumored to be 1 awakenings pack. SoR packs are extra and if like Awakenings pre release $4 each.

I'm doing the first 2, not the third.

The one I was thinking about going to is $5. You can buy 3 packs in addition to that. So it will be $14. Not sure what the kits runs, but they should get $504 from everything which seems a little high to me.

2 hours ago, NetCop said:

No, not at all. We will be able to buy 3 boosters if we wish but that's apart from tournament, so everyone that plays that local tourney can end the day with up to 5 SOR boosters.

So they have to limit attendance in order to ensure they have pack available for the prize pool. They can't let 36 people show up for the pre-release because then they'd be out of packs.

I get the feeling some of these stores are going to have to change how they proceed depending on attendance. They last thing they want to do is turn people away, either from the event entirely or from being able to buy the extra boosters.

2 hours ago, ScottieATF said:

So they have to limit attendance in order to ensure they have pack available for the prize pool. They can't let 36 people show up for the pre-release because then they'd be out of packs.

It's possible that you're correct and this is a terrible idea for the reason you stated, but it's also possible he lives in a small area where they're not expecting more than 19 players, which would make this a fine idea.

Edited by CBMarkham

$12, $12, and $12

the first one I go to I guess you get 3 packs and all 3 promos right at the start.

10$. But a few places posted at the very last minute they were doing an event which makes me wondering if they don't want people to show so they can give s select few access to a lot of product....probably not, probably they are just unorganized or uniformed....but then how would they have been on the ball to get those kits.

17 hours ago, Reactor Terminal said:

Now granted, a lot of people aren't even lucky enough to be close to a pre-release event, but just curious what kind of entry fee people are seeing. A place called the Wandering Dragon in Plainfield, IL is charging 30$! That gets you 3 Awakenings and 3 SOR boosters. Most places I saw were only charging $10 and you didn't have to buy Awakenings.

I saw that! I'm based out of Top Cut Comics in Berwyn IL and I was considering going but that's way over-priced, I'll see if I can snag some singles online instead. Still bummed we didn't get kits though when we tried to get them the first day(Southern Hobby got only 3 per warehouse allegedly) but they guys who did get kits are doing this? Talk about extra salt in the wound. Well, Just gotta hope FF gets bigger pre-releases for the next set...

Edited by Atomisk

We're charing 15chf (roughly 12$) incl 3 boosters

4 hours ago, Manzanita9 said:

10$. But a few places posted at the very last minute they were doing an event which makes me wondering if they don't want people to show so they can give s select few access to a lot of product....probably not, probably they are just unorganized or uniformed....but then how would they have been on the ball to get those kits.

Perhaps they aren't being sketchy, but cautious. My FLGS ordered kits as soon as they were available, but the distributors all told them there was a shortage and they would do what they could. It wasn't until a week ago they found out they were really going to get one, and even later when they actually received the kit. I can understand a store's hesitation to advertise an event when they weren't sure they'd have product.