I have a question regarding minion groups. Say we have 3 storm troopers acting as a minion group. They have Heavy weapons 2 becausethey are 3 (-1 because they get skill points for each member beyond the first). Ok, so they attack with GYY.
They are equipped with blaster rifles, base damage 9. But here comes the question. A single blaster rifle also has base damage 9. When in combat it's the NPC slot#s turn, the group acts as one, so the whole group can attack, and if it does, they focus fire on 1 player character? Or is it 3 times the damage, because base dmg of 1 rifle is 9, but there are 3 troopers?
From how I read the rules, it doesn't matter whether there are 2 troopers or 20 troopers in a minion group, they always attack 1 PC and always do 9 base damage (of course more successes will be added in a group of 20..)