Line of sight with large monsters

By Tseitsei, in Descent: Journeys in the Dark


I didn't find any mentioning of this neither in the rules, FAQ or forums, so I'll ask then:

Does a hero have a line of sight to a large monster if the hero would be able to trace a straight line to one of the spaces occupied by the monster if an other space whose centre the hero doesn't see and which is occupied by the same monster didn't block the hero's line of sight? In other words, can a space occupied by a large monster be ignored when tracing line of sight to the same monster?

We've played so that the space blocks the line of sight for both the hero and the monster as we can't find any rule to be against that. Although in my opinion it's quite illogical that a hero can't attack a monster because the monster itself blocks the hero's line of sight. The monster also prevents itself from attacking as another space occupied by it blocks the line of sight.

Hopefully someone understands what I mean... :P


In the GLoAQ on this forum it discusses monsters that are out of sight and how they affect LOS to other figures. If a figure itself is hidden, it doesn't block LOS.

Q) In the instance where you have a figure blocking the Line of Sight of another figure, is that Figure targetable, no matter the circumstance?

A) For purposes of determining LoS for an attack, ignore figures that are not in LoS themselves.

I think it's safe to stretch that so that you ignore portions of figures that aren't in LOS, preventing monsters from effectively hiding behind themselves.