System Open: Naboo and the "Briarpatch"

By Sergovan, in X-Wing Battle Reports

I have pics, I took names, I made a cool list (and gave it a catchy name) and I had a really fun time flying ships at the Naboo System Open.

I apologize for the picture quality. My phone was not taking in focus shots.

I went down with other players from the Ottawa Bytown Smuggler's league. We drove down Friday day and decided to fill up on good food the night before so we went to Dinosaur BBQ. We had a plate of meat delivered to the table and ate well that night.


I also believe that the place was a Rebel stronghold. There were signs.


I made to the tournament for 9:00 and found out that the Marshal and I have great fashion sense.


I also made friends with Ron from Rhode Island


My list is called Briarpatch and it consists of 3 x jumpmaster with Snap Shot, APL, Feedback Array, Intel Agent. One has Paintbot. 99 points. I took initiative to move first and trigger Snap shot first so that I could beat the x7 title. I was expecting a lot of defenders. I called it the Briarpatch as the experience of running through a thicket of thorns is oddly similar to how this list deals damage.

ROUND 1 Micah


Micah was by far the youngest player at the tournament that I could see. He was running an Upsilon with Backdraft, Wampa, and an AP. In the first few rounds I could tell he was very nervous as he was forgetting actions, swamr leader, and FCS. He had his Upsilon lined up with Swarm leader and 1 evade to spend for it but he never triggered the shot, instead opting for the Upsilon's regular shot and forgetting to add in FCS. I tried to coach him to get him into the groove but I think he was overwhelmed with nerves.

I closed engagement range slowly and took some fire from the Upsilon and Backdraft. I then surged forward on round 3 and caused a lot of bumping. I took out Wampa and then Backdraft. The Ap soon followed and then I just kept placing my ships behind the Upsilon until I could whittle it down. He had half damage on two of my jumps.

Win 1-0 100-34

After this game I did a battle session with Micah to help him see where he made his mistakes and told him that he wasn't out of contention yet. I did run into him later, after round 4, and found out he was at 0-4, but I encouraged him to keep trying and that this was a learning experience. I didn't know it at the time but his father, John, was within earshot and came over to shake my hand for the positive words I gave his son. I was happy to have met Micah at Naboo.

ROUND 2 Paul


Paul was running a slightly different version of a list I wanted to try. He was running a Targeting Synched Backdraft with Crackshot Tomax with Kylo shuttle.

Ordnance was one of my counters so I had to figure out a way to kill Tomax fast. I ended up bumping Kylo but not getting any good shots on either Backdraft or Tomax. I managed to block all his ships for 2 rounds but then I get hit by both of Tomax's Concussion missiles before taking him out (to little too late there). I then got Kylo down to half damage before Paul did a great move to block Backdraft with Kylo so he could rear arc killshot my running jumpmaster.

Loss 1-1 48-100

ROUND 3 Alfred


Alfred was playing Kanaan, Zeb, Biggs.

I setup and ran into him on the right side and bumped and shot until Kanaan had taken some damage and Biggs was gone. I then blocked Kanaan's 5 K to keep him stressed and pointing to the board edge. I managed to kill Kanaan but not before Alfred deployed Zeb. I spend about 8-9 rounds chasing Zeb around the board trying to kill him. I got him down to 1 hull left and I forgot to feedback array him at range 1 as I was focused on shooting him down. It was a close game but I got the deal done to seal a victory.

Win 2-1 100-83 (you'll see this alot)

ROUND 4 Sean


Sean was playing a Chiraneau Kylo list. He had a really cool painted Chiraneau.


I managed to block in Chiraneau and let Kylo pass by. Chiro is dangerous at range 1, especially with Sean landing a 4 crit roll on one of my jumps.


I focused fired Chiro till he had one hull left and then broke off from chasing him down and focuse on tailing a little damaged Kylo to whittle him down. I took out Kylo and, then shortly after, Chiro.

Win 3-1 100-83

MEAL BREAK. I had a half cooked, overpriced hotdog. The upside was I was able to meet Richard Hsu, the renowned x-wing player, during the break.

ROUND 5 Alex


Alex, from New Jersey, was running PTL Ryad, Predator OL, and Expertise Vessery. He knew that to engage my 3 jumps in close range would be really bad, so he weaved in and out of the rocks, gaining opportunity attacks on me. I did manage to circumvent the field and corner Ryad who was attempting a 5 K. Intel agent really paid off there. I then was able to surround Ryad and APL/Snap shotted her to half health before the combat phase. I then landed a couple of hits and a feedback to eliminate her. Now it was 3 jumps on 2. Alex flew his list well and I was able to get some blocks on and he was very patient with his maneuvering to not get block shotted again. I managed to trade shots over time and got both OL and vessery down. I had 1 hull on one jump and 2 hull on the other two.

I missed a paintbot return shot but I had put a dial down and Alex kept me honest. I respect him for that. He is a good pilot.

Win 4-1 100-50

ROUND 6 Nick


Nick was wearing a Ursa Squadron shirt from Texas and he had the best LED modded Decimator that I saw.


Nick was running a 2 ship lis of Chiraneau and procket Vader. He came down the right side and made it to mid table. I then launched a 4 forward with my lead ship and 3 banked and BR my left flank jump into bumping him and my right flank trailing to arrive just shy but with a focus. Vader was caught in a bump while attempting a 1 bank. 2 snap shots, 1 APL, followed by 2 feedbacks saw vader at one health after the first engagement. I then blocked him to APL him to death and used my turret shots to work on Chiro. Chiro did have a good shot back at me, inflicting a natural 3 crit roll.


I took out Chiro while taking only half damage on 2 jumps.

Win 5-1 100-32

ROUND 7 Colin


Colin was running Dash light and Super Poe. I used one jump to chase Dash while 2 jumps engaged Poe. I circled the 3rd one back in onto Poe from behind but I made a critical mistake. I rolled for two attacks instead of feedback arraying Poe. I got him down to 2 hull left but he ended up regenerating it all back. I then chased down Dash and cornered him into an APL death by the board edge (Dash had to make a turn to stay on the board but every turn bumped me so we were locked until he died.

Loss 5-2 51-100

I earned 2 TL tokens and a birth in Day 2. I went the furthest amongst my group and we decided to hit up a Denny's at 12:30 am. I got the greasiest, 2 patty burger, that I couldn't fit it in my mouth to eat it. I had to half bite it get anything but I did manage finish it. Kinda like how my list performed all day.


I made the cut to day 2. One of the benefits was that we got a full Hangar bay set of cards (2 cardboard and one plastic) which I didn't know about so that was a nice surprise. Also, players were making deals to split the 10 shield tokens regardless of who won and I accepted both offers in the next 2 rounds of play to get 10 Vader shields. I had around 3 hours of sleep the night before. I

ROUND 8 Steve


Steve was running x7 Deltas x2 with Swarm leader Kylo. We jousted down the right side and he got a swarm leader shot off but he didn't have a TL to really make it hurt. I took 2 damage but managed to start snap shotting and APLing one Delta. I worked the first Delta down and then the other was down to one health with my Painbot at range one through a rock and I did the Klingon death maneuver and feedbacked my one heath paintbot to kill his one hull Delta , leaving me with one hurt jumpmaster against a little damaged Kylo. I chased Kylo down, pot shotting him at range 3 as I went but I was accumulating stress from Rebel Captive as I went. I was down to one shield left and I thought he would do a one straight but forgot about that zero stop maneuver. He caught me at range 1. Blammo, 2 hull left. I was hurting after that mistake but Steve did a 1 white bank to follow me and wasn't able to clear his stress. Had he gone 1 straight he could have cleared and then stopped again. He was stuck going forward and bumping or banking and getting no shot to die from my feedback. He banked, I feedbacked, and survived with one ship at 1 hull.

Win 6-2 100-83

ROUND 9 Jamie Comely


Jamie's cool 3D printed tray set:


Jamie was running Miranda, Norra, Rex. He had a high MOV and I could knock him out if I killed more than Rex. So I tried and fell very,very short. I made a big mistake of trying to rush up with my lead jump instead of holding back out of range like I did every other engagement. 3 ships firing at range 3 and I had one dead jump before I could do any real damage. I got my other 2 jumps in the next round and blocked as best as I could but my APLs weren't triggering and my dice were cold on attack. I was only able to take out Rex and Jamie went on to Top 8 placement ( I think he placed 6th in swiss).

Loss 6-3 17-100

I learned how valuable regen ships are to attaining high MOV but they come with all those risks for small ships. I felt I did well with my list and that I wasn't running a meta jump list but my own, original design.

Swag from the 2 day event:


TL:DR I went 6-3 and played 2 days of the tournament with no hangar bay and had lots of fun.

Cool report, thanks for posting!

great report,

could you post the full list of your round two opponent? i'm trying to make Kylo work with

targeting synchronizer but the inspiration is somewhat lacking

2 hours ago, rookie35 said:

great report,

could you post the full list of your round two opponent? i'm trying to make Kylo work with

targeting synchronizer but the inspiration is somewhat lacking

I was his round 2 opponent and posted my list here

2 hours ago, pt106 said:

I was his round 2 opponent and posted my list here

How well did you make out Paul?

Just now, Sergovan said:

How well did you make out Paul?

Heya! Nice to see you and I'm glad you wrote your report (it's great, btw).

I ended up 5-4 (as my MoV after round 7 loss was pretty bad, I didnt think much about a second day and did some risky decisions that didn't pay off. As far as my matchups were I didn't feel disadvantaged in any of them except possibly one).