Luminara Unduli and FN-2199

By WonderWAAAGH, in Star Wars: Destiny

2 hours ago, Stone37 said:

A Padawan has there damage sides. It is very easy to control dice with blue cards, so getting Luminara's special every round is very do-able. This means that Padawan is doing 4 or 5 damage a round! Yes there are steps to this, but Blue has the tools to get the dice the way you want them and protect its characters as well.

Really looking forward to playing with Luminara!

The problem with this is that the Padawan isn't doing 4 or 5 damage a round. It's doing 1 or 2, and Luminara is doing 2 or 3. Realistically, her special is a +2 (+3) wild card modifier to any character dice. IMO the restriction on it having to be character dice is what's going to hold her back - it means there's a lot fewer options, and they are easier to for the opponent to predict and control. At her price point, I think that's going to be an issue. At the same time, +2 to Focus is potentially going to be crazy, or even +3 on Padawan. Sure, it costs you two dice to do it, but then you get to do whatever you want that turn, like murder the hell out of people with Lightsabers.

TR-8R is good, but I'm not sure he's quite as good as people are thinking he's going to be. He's essentially Kylo with the special replaced by 1 ranged, and not Blue, and Kylo is kind of terrible beyond him being a cheap Blue dude. Rolling the weapon is fantastic, but I think resolving it will often be less useful, simply because a lot of weapons have modifiers and pay sides you may not be able to afford. And you don't want to roll him in without resolving the weapon first, which takes away some of the advantage of him being split damage. I do still think he'll be really good, and he's going to put a lot of fear into people when they get low on health. Also, with that split damage and this ability, he's going to be super best friends with Jango, right?

Edited by Abyss

Just curious about how Luminara compares to Qui-Gon. Same cost, but obviously very different dice sides/abilities. Of course there are SO many other factors to consider, but they "seem" pretty comparable on the surface. And yet, with one additional HP and the ability to sneak in an extra damage or two each round Qui-Gon just seems better. Luminara certainly has the ability for some very good "burst" effects, but Qui-Gon can get his benefits more easily and without your opponent messing with your dice...


13 minutes ago, Zordren said:

Just curious about how Luminara compares to Qui-Gon. Same cost, but obviously very different dice sides/abilities. Of course there are SO many other factors to consider, but they "seem" pretty comparable on the surface. And yet, with one additional HP and the ability to sneak in an extra damage or two each round Qui-Gon just seems better. Luminara certainly has the ability for some very good "burst" effects, but Qui-Gon can get his benefits more easily and without your opponent messing with your dice...


It seems pretty clear cut that QuiGon is better, he has 5 sides of his die that do things (2 of which actually combo with his passive ability) as well as a passive ability that deals damage for doing something you normally do anyway

Luminara has 4 die sides that are on par with Quigon, but her special is weak (though somewhat versatile) and relies upon other specific die to be on the table to use it. Also due to here special she doesn’t have a passive ability at all.

And as I have mentioned elsewhere if you happen to only play a 1 die version of Luminara, If she is your last character on the table her special is a blank.

30 minutes ago, Zordren said:

Just curious about how Luminara compares to Qui-Gon. Same cost, but obviously very different dice sides/abilities. Of course there are SO many other factors to consider, but they "seem" pretty comparable on the surface. And yet, with one additional HP and the ability to sneak in an extra damage or two each round Qui-Gon just seems better. Luminara certainly has the ability for some very good "burst" effects, but Qui-Gon can get his benefits more easily and without your opponent messing with your dice...


Not well, on the surface. They are kind of opposites in a lot of way - Qui-Gon's real advantage IMO is that his damage is somewhat low, but very reliable as long as he can maintain shields; Luminara's is not reliable at all but has a very high ceiling.

My gut instinct is that Luminara is paying a LOT for her wildcard special, and it feels like she possibly copped a nerf during playtesting - she's be much, much better if she could use her special on Upgrade dice.

I do think people are underestimating the potential power of her special - you can potentially play a Lightsaber on a Padawan, roll resource on her, then use Luminara's special for four resources and a One With the Force on the first turn. Yes, that's magical Christmas land, but it's more to show that, much like Poe, she can potentially do some crazy stuff. But I don't think she'll be doing it reliably enough, or that the rest of her dice makes up for it.

Heroes are looking good going into SoR, not sure what all the complaining is about. Poe/Rey gets Rocket Launcher and, more importantly, Our Only Hope, an amazing card in a deck that's half pricy upgrades--and it essentially has Ambush if Rey is still up!

QG/Rey gets Vibroknife and Synchronicity.

Leia/Ackbar is a strong dark horse deck now, and is also receiving new red guns and the disgusting Scarif battlefield.

Han/Rey gets several new Ambush cards to keep Han humming and decrease the odds that he dies before you hit your Ambush stuff.

Air Superiority is excellent. Maz is excellent.

I haven't really even put much thought into decks outside these existing archetypes, but the future looks pretty bright for Heroes to me.

Edited by pantsyg

I have sensed a gap in power as well, not sure if it's due to imbalance or my preference for villain characters

Hi sorry if this was already ask but i cant found it anywhere. If i play weapon on FN-2199 And roll a blank so i cant resolve it where should this die go? It stays in pool or is move to the charakter?

6 hours ago, Wertup said:

Hi sorry if this was already ask but i cant found it anywhere. If i play weapon on FN-2199 And roll a blank so i cant resolve it where should this die go? It stays in pool or is move to the charakter?

It stays in the pool.