Luminara Unduli and FN-2199

By WonderWAAAGH, in Star Wars: Destiny

Hadn't seen these posted around here yet. Found in English on the SWD wikia, so I'm assuming they're legit spoilers.



Luminara can practically double the value of any other character die, and just imagine the potential damage output of FN-2199 with anything ambush.

Edited by WonderWAAAGH

I never thought I'd spam ambush weapons onto a character before.... (as a person who's never plays eHan eRey)

A lot of people have been directly contrasting these two characters and complaining that the Villains got the better end of the deal. I'm not so sure. They're both really good at doing different things, and while I wish Luminara was a point or two cheaper to really bring home her role as a support character, I still see her being valuable, and maybe even having a spot in the meta to come. I wonder what other people think.

1 hour ago, DeathstarII said:

I never thought I'd spam ambush weapons onto a character before.... (as a person who's never plays eHan eRey)

~~~Trigger Warning: The following comment is a light-hearted jape~~~

With Fast Hands + Force Speed everyone can play eHan/eRey!

Edited by Ajones47
This is the world we live in now.

I think FN-2199 is extremly strong if you have a bunch of weapons with the same cost. You overwrite them one after another rolling and resolving respectivaly and keeping the last most valueble weapon activating FN. Pair him with IG who can bring back the cycled weapons.

Luminara i really like as a character and on paper but i dont know who to pair her with. If you want a 4 dice starting setup you have to pair her with uniques with pretty weak dmg dice. (e.g.: Rey, Maz, Snap) You could go the mill route and resolve her special with mill dice sides but she doesnt bring mill herself and there are probably better character setups for that kind of deck. And i dont know weather 3 dice setups are all that great. Maybe i try her with Maz and go for a focus heavy All-In strategy.

19 minutes ago, Ajones47 said:

With Fast Hands + Force Speed everyone can play eHan/eRey!

This is definitely not true, but whatever, internet experts gonna post this nonsense all the time.

Fast Hands and Force Speed effectively takes two upgrade slots and Force Speed has only 50% chance on working. I would be very happy if you take 2 upgrade slots and 4 card slots in deck with these cards. They are for most of the decks pointless.

To the topic. Luminara is too expensive for my taste. FN-2199 is on the other hand IMO one of the best three new villain charracters together with Aurra Sing and Palpatine.

Edited by Hennessy
37 minutes ago, Hennessy said:

This is definitely not true, but whatever, internet experts gonna post this nonsense all the time.

Fast Hands and Force Speed effectively takes two upgrade slots and Force Speed has only 50% chance on working. I would be very happy if you take 2 upgrade slots and 4 card slots in deck with these cards. They are for most of the decks pointless.

I like the bit where you derided internet experts, and then went on to give your expert opinion over the internet. That was good for a chuckle.

The trooper says roll the die if able. Not sure what is meant by if able? Does the character have to be already activated? Or can't already be activated? I don't understand what if able means here. Hoping someone can shed light on this for me, thank you

1 minute ago, Ywingscum said:

The trooper says roll the die if able. Not sure what is meant by if able? Does the character have to be already activated? Or can't already be activated? I don't understand what if able means here. Hoping someone can shed light on this for me, thank you

If you play the upgrade claiming the bf that lets you do so, you don't have additional actions so I guess that is the (only?) possible cornercase.

Thank you so you can basically roll it in anytime even after having exhausted. K I do like this character now haha

21 minutes ago, blackholexan said:

If you play the upgrade claiming the bf that lets you do so, you don't have additional actions so I guess that is the (only?) possible cornercase.

That's interesting. However, and I might be wrong here, but it doesn't look like any additional actions take place during the resolution of FN-2199's ability, so there's no interrupt to his ability - no moment when you would be forced to pass.

In fact, reading it raw, it almost looks to me like you could claim Imperial Armory, play a weapon on FN-2199, roll it in, and resolve it, all without contravening the rules around claiming a battlefield. I just had a look at every entry under 'claim' in the RRG, and couldn't find anything that says you may not resolve this ability in full after you claim. I see where you're coming from by quoting the rules around passing, because attaching and then resolving something feels similar to the rule around Rey, but I think, mechanically, FN-2199's ability is more like Count Dooku's - it always triggers, regardless of whether or not you're passing.

I bet the RRG for SoR will involve an update to 'claiming the battlefield' that itself validates the 'if able' clause on FN-2199's card, but as it stands, right now, I don't think there's a situation where you couldn't roll that weapon in (and resolve it), even after claiming.

Edited by Ajones47

FN for whatever reason gets to be a bad ass card. Asaaj, Luminari, hell...even Han isnt this good. Han would have been great to have this ability, almost a "Quick Draw" mechanic built in.

FN's art is also awesome.

Probably my fav card of the set.


5 hours ago, Vijel said:

I think FN-2199 is extremly strong if you have a bunch of weapons with the same cost. You overwrite them one after another rolling and resolving respectivaly and keeping the last most valueble weapon activating FN. Pair him with IG who can bring back the cycled weapons.

Luminara i really like as a character and on paper but i dont know who to pair her with. If you want a 4 dice starting setup you have to pair her with uniques with pretty weak dmg dice. (e.g.: Rey, Maz, Snap) You could go the mill route and resolve her special with mill dice sides but she doesnt bring mill herself and there are probably better character setups for that kind of deck. And i dont know weather 3 dice setups are all that great. Maybe i try her with Maz and go for a focus heavy All-In strategy.

Luminara gets full effect from her ability when using it on non-unique characters. I'm thinking of pairing her with Rey and a Padawan!

20 minutes ago, Ajones47 said:

That's interesting. However, and I might be wrong here, but it doesn't look like any additional actions take place during the resolution of FN-2199's ability, so there's no interrupt to his ability - no moment when you would be forced to pass.

In fact, reading it raw, it almost looks to me like you could claim Imperial Armory, play a weapon on FN-2199, roll it in, and resolve it, all without contravening the rules around claiming a battlefield. I just had a look at every entry under 'claim' in the RRG, and couldn't find anything that says you may not resolve this ability in full after you claim. I see where you're coming from by quoting the rules around passing, because attaching and then resolving something feels similar to the rule around Rey, but I think, mechanically, FN-2199's ability is more like Count Dooku's - it always triggers, regardless of whether or not you're passing.

I bet the RRG for SoR will involve an update to 'claiming the battlefield' that itself validates the 'if able' clause on FN-2199's card, but as it stands, right now, I don't think there's a situation where you couldn't roll that weapon in (and resolve it), even after claiming.

I'm with you on this. I have just read FN again and it looks like you are right.

if able refers simply to its blank face?

Edit: Nope, In that case it would have been written after the last sentence..

Edited by blackholexan
34 minutes ago, Ywingscum said:

Thank you so you can basically roll it in anytime even after having exhausted. K I do like this character now haha

@Ajones47's comment sounds right, indeed. Sorry, it looks like I was wrong, indeed. The corner case is another.

Edited by blackholexan
2 minutes ago, blackholexan said:

BUT if able refers simply to its blank face!

The way it's parsed, 'if able' definitely refers to your ability to roll the weapon in, not your ability to resolve the die once it's rolled in. Very odd wording. Maybe it will make more sense later.

5 minutes ago, Ajones47 said:

The way it's parsed, 'if able' definitely refers to your ability to roll the weapon in, not your ability to resolve the die once it's rolled in. Very odd wording. Maybe it will make more sense later.

Yep, I corrected myself above.

I found the corner case nevertheless:

your opponent has Ackbar

the upgrade you are playing is your last card in hand

FN is your only character

FN is at 2 or less damage from death

This is the only possibility it occurs to me ( and it needs your opponent to control the bf too.. ) but maybe there are other cases, with the new or even the old cards.

Edited by blackholexan
4 minutes ago, blackholexan said:

Yep, I corrected myself above.

I found the corner case nevertheless:

your opponent has Ackbar

the upgrade you are playing is your last card in hand

FN is your only character

FN is at 2 or less damage from death

This is the only possibility it occurs to me ( and it needs your opponent to control the bf too.. ) but maybe there are others.

Hey, there we go! Nice work.

11 minutes ago, Stone37 said:

Luminara gets full effect from her ability when using it on non-unique characters. I'm thinking of pairing her with Rey and a Padawan!

Yes thats the dilemma with her. In your setup you only have 3 starting dice. In Awakenings 3 dice setups only worked if 2 of the dice where really strong. (eVader/Raider or eLuke/Ackbar) Also your chances on rolling the special are reduced with only one Luminara die.

41 minutes ago, Ywingscum said:

The trooper says roll the die if able. Not sure what is meant by if able? Does the character have to be already activated? Or can't already be activated? I don't understand what if able means here. Hoping someone can shed light on this for me, thank you

I belive the "if able" refers to weapons that have no die asociated with them. There are no such weapons in the game at the moment but we might get some in future sets.

See also Sith Holocron and Ace in the Hole which both are worded the same expect they refer to upgrades (Ace) and ability upgrades (Holocron) for which we already have cards without dice.

36 minutes ago, blackholexan said:

Yep, I corrected myself above.

I found the corner case nevertheless:

your opponent has Ackbar

the upgrade you are playing is your last card in hand

FN is your only character

FN is at 2 or less damage from death

This is the only possibility it occurs to me ( and it needs your opponent to control the bf too.. ) but maybe there are other cases, with the new or even the old cards.

This is not correct:

You claim, so you control the BF, you resolve claim ability. Than there are two after abilities (Ackbar´´´s and FNs). As you control the battlefield, you choose the order of resolving. You resolve FN first, than Ackbar.

If able is there only for a case, when there would be a weapon upgrade without dice, or in case, there would be some other passive effect prohibiting to roll that die. Nothing more, nothing less.

FN- (A minor character of little importance in the SWU) is probably the most game changing villain we have in this set.

It boggles my mind why Heroes continue to have to scrape by with over-costed or less powerful counterparts and cards.

What good is it to have mass shield cards, bits of healing here or there when FN can simply crush the rebellion with one swift stroke! -Tarkin

"Is the dark side stronger?" Yoda said no, but I can clearly see the villains have the upper hand thus far. My solution is to screw the rules and play Obi Wan and Luke Skywalker together anyway. I'm not going to let a few numbers separate me from playing thematically with my favorite movie characters, except in tournaments of course where I doubt Obi-Wan will ever see the table. (Still shaking my head 16/20? Really?)

3 minutes ago, Hennessy said:

This is not correct:

You claim, so you control the BF, you resolve claim ability. Than there are two after abilities (Ackbar´´´s and FNs). As you control the battlefield, you choose the order of resolving. You resolve FN first, than Ackbar.

If able is there only for a case, when there would be a weapon upgrade without dice, or in case, there would be some other passive effect prohibiting to roll that die. Nothing more, nothing less.

I never wrote about claiming the bf in THIS case.

That was the case I was writing about earlier.

Edited by blackholexan
16 minutes ago, Virtigo said:

FN- (A minor character of little importance in the SWU) is probably the most game changing villain we have in this set.

It boggles my mind why Heroes continue to have to scrape by with over-costed or less powerful counterparts and cards.

What good is it to have mass shield cards, bits of healing here or there when FN can simply crush the rebellion with one swift stroke! -Tarkin

"Is the dark side stronger?" Yoda said no, but I can clearly see the villains have the upper hand thus far. My solution is to screw the rules and play Obi Wan and Luke Skywalker together anyway. I'm not going to let a few numbers separate me from playing thematically with my favorite movie characters, except in tournaments of course where I doubt Obi-Wan will ever see the table. (Still shaking my head 16/20? Really?)

Rey Han and Poe are powerful hero characters of Awk set and they are in 2 of the tier-1 decks.

SoR adds Maz for sure and it looks too soon to judge SoR characters.

Right, Jango and FN are strong characters per se but decks and (not only) characters are part of the game.

6 hours ago, Vijel said:

Yes thats the dilemma with her. In your setup you only have 3 starting dice. In Awakenings 3 dice setups only worked if 2 of the dice where really strong. (eVader/Raider or eLuke/Ackbar) Also your chances on rolling the special are reduced with only one Luminara die.

A Padawan has there damage sides. It is very easy to control dice with blue cards, so getting Luminara's special every round is very do-able. This means that Padawan is doing 4 or 5 damage a round! Yes there are steps to this, but Blue has the tools to get the dice the way you want them and protect its characters as well.

Really looking forward to playing with Luminara!

1 minute ago, Stone37 said:

A Padawan has there damage sides. It is very easy to control dice with blue cards, so getting Luminara's special every round is very do-able. This means that Padawan is doing 4 or 5 damage a round! Yes there are steps to this, but Blue has the tools to get the dice the way you want them and protect its characters as well.

Really looking forward to playing with Luminara!

I love the positivity in your post. I plan on working on Hero decks to make them viable as much as possible.

Can't wait to hear how it goes.