Play SWD on video chat!

By Jdubb247, in Star Wars: Destiny

No players in your area? Local store closed? Want to try out that new deck? Join us as we play Star Wars Destiny using video chat (Skype, Google Hangouts, Facebook Video). We're currently running a free 21 person tournament (with prizes). Casual/free play is always welcome as well.

These guys are playing 24/7. Very active group if you're looking for a game.

I just sent a join request. This should be great since there really isn't a scene in my area.

What kind of tech set up would I need to join in?

We are laid back and low tech. I use a MacBook and just point the camera at my table. Some people use iPad, some people just use their phone. Google Hangouts, Skype and Facebook video all work fine.