I have been involved in a campaign for over a year playing a dedicated crafting character and now will be running a campaign of my own. Over the last year I have been slowly testing and trying out various house rules and ideas related to the crafting system. This system is a bit more involved than the established one, with several more requirements and restrictions on the player side and more influence on the GM side.
The document linked above is a WIP. I still need to do the following:
Add in page numbers.
Do a couple more editing passes.
Tighten up rules language.
Expand options for spending results for each item.
Expand template options for each item.
Maybe add in vehicles.
Maybe add in rules for selling and buying custom crafted items.
The TL;DR of the document is:
Templates are split up a couple different ways.
A template can be either simple or advanced, with simple acting normally and advanced having extra requirements to complete.
A template can be a prototype or a finished product. Prototypes have more customization options but have garunteed flaws, while finished products are of greater quality but are limited in customization options.
Working without the proper workshop or tools could have drastic effects on the pool.
There is an 8 hour limit on the number of work hours that can be used each day.
I either have expanded the number of options for spending Advantage, Triumph, Threat, or Despair, or plan on expanding those options for each type of item.
Separated explosives from ranged weapons.
Expanded the number of templates in several of the item types.
Please feel free to give feedback on the rules, and offer suggestions for spending results or new templates. Once I am finished with this I'll post the finished product for the world to see.
Yes, I posted this on Reddit already, so some of you may be seeing this for the second time.