1- His starting quest could be more than 2 turns of cards drawing away from his starting location (10 range),and will spawn a character he probably wont be the first one to reach because he is more than 10 location away now.
2- His wisdom is too small. He have advantage in fighting (being moderatly powerfull and very surviving) but with such a small wisdom he have nearly squat chance of hitting monsters or minions instead of perils.
3- His power doesnt goes with his stats. He is supposed to be able to keep moving if he doesnt defeat the adversary... but with his small wisdom he will rarely meet monsters and his huge strength means he rarely will have cards left or fail to defeat it, even if he still meet one.
4- The choice of hero is before the mission draw and there is several mission that he cant help accomplish easily :
a- Less than one corruption cards. He IS a corruption magnet with 1-2 Wisdom.
b- 5 Favor between heros. He is a favor burner because of the corruption, drawing less of them , stacking less of them, needing more to remove corruption cards.
c- KIlling Minions and clearing monsters : Once again and surprisingly it is something he is NOT GOOD at doing. For 2 influence and 1 move Sauron's Player could hide his foes away from him, making him totally not contributing...
5- He need more rest action and thus make Sauron Counter move faster. He will take more corruption so will need to rest to remove them more often than not.